Crank pulley/flywheel


Active Member
Ok my R is driving me nuts and the first time in 5 years i have nearly had enough:evil:
From my other thread where i throw 5 rockers after the engine had only behine in a couple of weeks i then fully stripped the thing changed the head,oil pump and a few other bits and gave it a good check over and it all seemed fine.
So off i go up the road driving like a granny because i did not want it to breck again,i pull over to find i have a oil leek from the crank shaft pulley seal which i did not replace when i changed the oil pump,no problem i thought so i check the oil and head back home slowly.
I get half way home and there is the worst rattle vibrating noise coming from the clutch on deacceleration you have ever heared so i creep back home hopeing its alright:shock:
Get back and find the crank pulley has come loose:sad: so i thought that was the rattle.So i take the pulley off praying it has not damaged the crank [which it has not crank looks fine] thinking that was funny for that to fall off as i can remember even double checking that it was tight and torqued up when i put it on:?
I put the pulley back on thinking i have it sorted[thank god i don't have to take the engine back out]then to my horrer start it back up and the rattle is still there:cry: :evil:
Turns out the flywheel has come loose as well,wtf:evil: :evil: :evil: :cry: and is rattling about on the bolts:sad:
What i am asking is do you guys have any ideas what could have caused this?the flywheel has behine on this engine for ages know with all the bolts lock tighted when it was first torqued up,it has behine fine for about 4000++ miles with no problem at all:? and for the crank pulley to come loose as well it is proper stressing me as i don't understand what or why this has happend?
The only thing that felt different when i put it back together this time was the clutch pedal felt a bit lighter that normal but i put that down to me using my helix 4 paddle plate instead of the 3 paddle hks plate that the springs broke in?
Do you think that me using the helix plate with the hks clutch cover i use could of caused it to be out of balence and shook the flywheel and crank pulley bolts loose:?
Any opinions are welcome as i have not got a clue, and i don't think i can handle taking the engine out for a fouth time in 500 miles,god i am realy starting to hate my R:cry:


New Member
Flywheel bolts are supposed to be torqued up a far bit...if you tighten them to the right spec they aren't gonna come loose...


thats true!

i reckon your flywheel came loose and threw the balance out which vibrated the crank pulley loose


Active Member
carlengerer said:
Flywheel bolts are supposed to be torqued up a far bit...if you tighten them to the right spec they aren't gonna come loose...
Like you say mate,and i am 100% sure at the time i would have done it spot on by the manual, as when it comes to putting an engine together i take a lot of time so i am happy that everything is spot on and by the book.
Thats why i am a bit concerned that it has come loose, and may do it again when i put it back together.
But like bob says its like it has come loose and maybe vibrated the front pulley loose,but there was no sign or feeling of it coming loose before i spoted the oil leek and if the oil leek came first i am quessing that the front pulley came loose first as well.
Also like i said the flywheel has behine on it for 4000-6000 miles wth no problems at all and all the bolts on the flywheel were lock tighted, i am also 100% sure the flywheel was bolted on by the manual torque settings aswell, if not a little tighter;-) .
My other option is that IF i did hit second when i throw my rockers the engine would have behine reving at around 11000rpm, would this cause the flywheel to come loose?
Even so i am pretty sure i did not hit second when it did the rockers as i would have felt it.
I think that it just throw 1 rocker and jamed it under the cam and broke the rest.