de-limiter problems

Am having the same problem as a lot of others in that my car won't go beyond 125ish. Have had a look behind the clocks and there's no obvious de-limiter and the clocks still read in kph so could it have been de-limited another way that's causing problems now?


New Member
yeah 180 on the dash but ive had mine over 180 and then it cuts

the dials on the dash pay no attention too, they are poo top end,



New Member
that avcr aint that accurate no, kph slight difference ie 180-120 kph is quite a bit difference,

only other thing is you may have the other gearbox in the car


Mine cuts out at 112mph in 4th but will carry on to 125 in 5th, i know a few others that do this too.


Active Member
When you say it won't go over 125mph... what happens when you get there...

If the limiter cuts in you'll know about it... you get a sudden loss of power and you have to wait to slow down quite a bit before it comes back.

If it just runs out of steam at 125mph you may have a different problem.

What rpm is this in top? You may have the short ratio box in it (sometimes called the Dakar).

Personally - I think it is still limited.... just the the limiter isn't very accurate.

Or you could be getting detonation and the ignition timing is being retarded.

GeeTee 8)
Yeah it's a sudden loss of power and I have to back off a bit , it's not hitting the redline so it's not one of the shorter ratio boxes, am thinking it hasn't been de-limited too just feels faster than 112ish and didn't think both the original speedo and avcr would be so inaccurate.


Active Member
it'll be the limiter that is innaccurate.

Get a kmh / mph convertor and delimiter. Usually about £80.

Not to hard to fit if you can use a screwdriver and a soldering iron :)
Yeah that sounds about right, ok guys any suggestions of which is the best to get? And are there any issues with the tacho changing from reading kilometres to miles?


Active Member
It's not wired into the tacho at all - so unaffected.

In standard form the signal comes from the speed sensor to the speedo, then it goes on to the ECU. The signal is a pulse generated for each rotation of the final drive (i.e. the output to the wheels).

What the convertor does is intercept this signal, divide it by 1.6 and pass it on to the speedo. This lower reading then goes on to the ECU.

The only thing the ECU uses the signal for is the limiter.

If you have an alarm system that locks the doors as soon as you go over say 10mph you may find this doesn't happen until you hit 16mph.

I've always found this a good link...


GeeTee 8)


geetee said:
it'll be the limiter that is innaccurate.

Get a kmh / mph convertor and delimiter. Usually about £80.

Not to hard to fit if you can use a screwdriver and a soldering iron :)
where can i Get one from cheers