

New Member
Hiya guys just took my dash out to check my delimiter as it cuts in at 100mph in 4th and 125mph in 5th all wires are conected spot on, sumone has told me if u cut the blue wire then this will also be the same as delimiting?

i cant see any blue wire behind dash, if anyone knows which wire i should chop to get my car to do the correct speeds in 4th and 5th please tell me;)

i have yellow, grey,white,brown and black any of them?

thanks Paul.


New Member
thikn i may have just found the blue wire it comes from the black block that plugs in the back of the speedo, so by cutting this wire will this mean my ecu doesnt recive the speed signal meaning i can do over 100mph in 4th and 125mph+ in 5th on a private road?

will i still have my 7.5k limiter as i still want this juts incase;_)

Thanks for any imput i wont chop this wire till im sure so sumone please tell me:_)



Active Member
sounds like its your dials rather than the limiter i used to have this on my first R it always cut at speds u are saying and only was ured when i swapped the dials with a mate


New Member
i also misd out that when i go above 120mph the revs keep rising but the speedo dies altogther untill i go below 20mph thejn they coem back to life.

i am pritty sure after an hour of reading posts the blue wire is my speed sesnsor that goes to the ecu if i chop this then this will mean the ecu doesnt relise what speed i am doing and i can acelerate past 100mph in 4th?

out of intreste how much are a 2nd hand speedo?

i now have 2 options speedo could an probably is fuckd, delimiter is fuckd probably lots moe it could be thats all ive managed to narow it down to.

Fast Guy

Staff member
When my delimiter died, the speedo stopped working and my engine died/cut at somewhere over 6000rpm in 5th (close ratio gearbox) so I'd hazard a guess that if you cut that wire you'll still suffer from the cut.

Try a new delimiter as yours maybe faulty.


Chop the blue wire if it doesnt work just join it again. No harm done. Atleast youl know im curious too as mines the same. :? I doubt the speedo is goosed.