Delimiting - How do you delimit an imported R


New Member
Interesting.... for £40 you get a unit that will convert kph to mph and link to ecu to overcome the limiter. That means that I can remove my 110mph aftermarked dial and refit the original but change the facia to mph.
Can it be done all at once by re-mapping and take in any mods like exhaust, intercooler, boost and air intake.
I know this is much more exspensive but may need to go down this route anyway to maximise the full patential from the changes made.


yeah like you said you can just install and it will work but to get full potential your best getting it booked on a rolling road.. that way your car will be set up for all your mods and when you go over 112mph it wont go pop!


hijacking this thread, sorry, but i have just bought another R but the clocks only go to 110mph! is that normal, and if so, does that mean its still restricted?


New Member
oops. sorry I can't think of a good reply to that except Thankyou!

Merry Xmas to all you sad pots the have read this!

Long may yer lums reek!!!


yeah when jap cars are imported they are restricted to 112 mph - the clocks go up to 180 kph all this chip does is turn the signal from kilometers to mph letting the car go up to 180mph..... although of course wont go that fast but should do around 150 mph. Ive got these white dials in mine



so when there imported why have they got 110mph clocks as opposed to kph?
think bravehearts a bit plastered, he must be on the ol cranberry juice lol


New Member
OK... that's me back in the land of the living and my New Year resolution is to keep out of technical threads when out my tree... I may be of some use in the lounge though.. :lol:

Anyway, TY Mr Meat for providing a great answer to my delimiting question!

Sorry for not being able give any sense to the speedo questions as I had lost the plot.

Let me give you my tupence worth now:

When I bought my R, it came with a box of goodies, receipts etc and the original Jap speedo dial which was in KPH only and went up to 180. Previous UK owner just changed the dial to an MPH dial that only goes to 110MPH rather than keeping the Jap dial and fit the de-limiter mod. So, if you have a dial marked in MPH that goes to 110 then it's an after market one.

With regards to the motor, the first thing I done when I bought the R was to give the car a full service. I stuck it into Falkland performance for the work and had ALL fluids changed, every hose checked, all bushes checked, new disks and pads etc.
I feel that it's now quite safe to drive in anger but would like to know what speed I'm doing.

I will at some point stick it on a rolling road and intend to eke (gain) the full potential out of this car by adding performace goodies as time and money allows.