down to half boost?



ive been running my r at 1bar now since i sorted the problems. now i have anougther problem. i was racing a skyline(dont even try!) and now my boost presure has droped to 0.5 bar and have no power. it happend at high revs and all of a sudden droped? Hope its nothing too bad. any sugestions?


Hopefully its just a boost leak, check all your boost hoses are tight, you might have blown one loose when racing.


Well-Known Member
If you've still got the standard boost solenoid fitted then the det sensor is probably picking something up and going into safe mode cutting the boost to 0.5 bar :wink:

Either that or the det sensor is faulty. Try doing the fault code test, if you dont get anything then its going into safe mode like i said above which is reset when you turn the ignition off :wink:

But if its doing that then you may have a problem somewhere :?


Active Member
You running a boost controller or bleed valve?? If i'm not mistaken, if you've got a boost controller and you turn it off, you should get something like 0.55bar. Could it be a case of loose wiring of the controller?


im using the bleed valve type, and the standerd solenoid is still fitted as i havent removed anything, is the solenoid the bit at the front of the engine cover with two little hoses coming off? if so the there not connected any more.


I have got this exact same problem, mine is more when i have been pottering round town or been stuck behind summing, then go to boot it and there is half the power and the boost needle roons near enough where standard boost would put it!

i am running a bar through a bleed valve with no aftermarket solidoid (Sp!) fitted!

have you solved your problem yet?

i thought that my problem must be electrical because if i pull over turn it off for 10 seconds it will run perfectly, i guess this must reset somthing! that it holding it back?!


Active Member
Pathfinder.... that's safe mode, caused by the Det sensor being triggered.

I would suggest you get your fuelling and ignition timing checked as it sounds like the heat build up when you're stationary or going slow is making the engine detonate.

GeeTee 8)