

New Member
Hey guys,

just wanted to know how to remove the bleed valve so that i can return to standard boost?

is it as simple as just removing the bleed valve and connecting the two loose pipe ends?

also, the two little nipples on the right hand side of the intercooler, do i need to connect anything to these as these are open (disconnected)


saj 8)


New Member
ki_saj_ng said:
is it as simple as just removing the bleed valve and connecting the two loose pipe ends?
yep :D

also, the two little nipples on the right hand side of the intercooler, do i need to connect anything to these as these are open (disconnected)
hummm not sure what 'nipples' your going on about fella :?


The ones that let your car run unlimited boost when they are not connected :?:


New Member
I'm sure these 2 nipples are located on your standard boost solanoide (sp) but not sure how to plum them back to stock. Ask Fast Guy or Ginga.


You will need a T-Piece to put it back to standard. Take out your bleed valve and connect the pipes to two of the T-piece connections, then connect the last T-piece connection to one of the nipples on the gold coloured wastegate solenoid. To double check, the T-piece should have pipes going to the wastegate solenoid, the turbo actuator and the manifold - make sure they are all piped correctly.

The other nipple on this solenoid should be connected to the big black air intake pipe somewhere (its down by the battery somewhere).

Jobs a goodun' 8)


New Member
:shock: ok, anyone wanna come sort that out for me?

see, SE are pricks, within the first week of getting my car, i took it to them for a service, tune up, and a full check over, surely they should have picked up on this as they remove the intercooler to get to the sparkies!



New Member
actually, i know i may sound like a right fool but is there any chance of someone detailing this on a picture as i dont wanna muck this up.
