dry sump pump


Staff member
Check Megamodz or his son; I'm sure I saw one in one of their threads (although it may have sold by now). What is classed as a silly price; they're not a cheap thing to install?


Well-Known Member
They can be done on the cheap if you can do all the fabrication yourself, which i can. I wouldn't pay any more than £100 for a second hand 2 or 3 stage pump.


Staff member
Ah - then I'm obviously thinking of the entire dry sump kit (including resevoir etc).


New Member
WHY!!! OMG 2K!!! I know people with over a thousand HP a THOUSAND who spent less money on a dry sump.. that ludicrous! I guess living in the autom omotive capital of north america has it's perks... ie local fabrication... every one around here is a machinist LOL!

PS Im working on a mounting kit that puts the pump where the AC goes :D does any one know where to plumb the stages? like where in the head and block?


Well-Known Member
my plan was to block of the oil gallery from the pump and to run a supply into that to ensure everything gets fed the correct quantities/pressures