dump valve? wastegate chatter?



i had a problem with the vaccum system that goes from the actuator, got it sorted i think, but now the dump valve is as loud as the wastegate chatter, is this normal?
Im running T28 hybrid (ballbearing i think):oops:

Any help please?:thumbsup:

i had a problem​


Active Member
By 'wastegate chatter' do you mean compressor surge ? I.e. a slightly squeaky, stuttering sound on throttle lift ?!

Was the dump valve not very loud before then ?

What brand is the dump valve ?


the chatter is comin from the induction kit . its just had a engine rebuild but before it never used to make this noise i have a baileys b52 dump valve
dave the rave

Adam L

New Member
got a picture of the turbo? it's pretty easy to distinguish a GT rollerbearing from ''T'' series


Active Member
What you describe is compressor surge, not wastegate chatter. This points to the dump valve, not opening quick enough or at all. I'd check there !


cheacked the dump valve its opening not all the way tho it is a bearing turbo any other ideas. when you mention a surge is this normal? it dose come from the indution pipe but is loud dump starts to do its thing when the car is warm


Active Member
shinny said:
cheacked the dump valve its opening not all the way tho it is a bearing turbo any other ideas. when you mention a surge is this normal? it dose come from the indution pipe but is loud dump starts to do its thing when the car is warm

You've just solved the problem, and your asking for more solutions ?! Your dump valve is knackered !!

Oh, and compressor surge is not normal. It only happens when your dump valve isn't functioning correctly, has too stiff a spring or, is adjusted to cause compressor surge !


Active Member
Adam L said:
...or you don't run a dump valve with a foam/mesh filter
What air filter you use, has nothing to do with it, although an open cone type filter might not dampen the sound as much. Mine did it when I ran an Apexi cotton filter and does it more so now that I have a Blitz filter but, that's only because I've adjusted my SSQV to at higher boost levels !
The sound is intake charge being force back through the spinning compressor blades on the turbo.


nice one people im a pulsar virgin not to clever with the ins and outs yet but i'm learnin!!