ebay intercoolers


another sunny

I have finaly recieved my front mount, worried that i had bought a pup but my fears were unfounded .It realy is very good, precision welds mandrel bent tubing with a massive cooler core(http://www.hybrid-power.com/images_product/GTiR%20GT%20spec%20copy.jpg)Sorry dont know how to just add a link).
I started fitting tonight the only problem is there are no instructions, (i should be able to get them from there web site tomorrow).
These kits have been discussed on here before , the manufacterers are called hybrid-power if this helps and there site is www.hybrid-power.com, a very nice site with lots of bits.
forgot to say my kit cost £140 with £55 post and £10 insurance and as of yet no duty to pay. Seems a very good deal to me(i will let you know the verdict after it is fully fitted).:-D :-D :-D :-D