Electrical Problem - Ideas ?



Hi Guys,

For those of you who know the car, I recently purchased little miss road rage's Ivory White 'R. Lovely car but am having a prob with the electrics :(

The fuse for the rear lights/dashboard illumination keeps blowing as soon as I move the stalk to the sidelight / full beam position. I've checked the wiring and can see no signs of anything too nasty and am really stuck for ideas.

It seems that a flamer kit has been wired into the rear lights, first point i'm gonna try is to remove it from the circuit although I am no sparky.

Can anyone help me with my problem ? I know i've been pretty vague here, I can supply more detailed information as required.

Thanks guys,


New Member
Hi mate,that sounds a very good place to start,its a bit of an odd place to wire a flammer kit.I bet thats your problem.


hi have you just fitted a radio in there from momory there isnt an earth wire there bit the illumination wire will look like an earth untill is live hence a blown fuse


New Member
flamer kit on the sidelights??? :shock:
it would be forever flaming with your headlights on lol


Yeh definately something not right here...

And yes it did seem that all these probs started when I fitted my head unit. Into the car (using the wires fitted by previous owner).

I'll rip the flamer kit out of the circuit and then look at re-wiring the headunit. Only problem is that even with the head unit turned off it still blows the fuse.

I'll try physically disconnecting the HU and see if that solves the issue, failing that i guess its shot wires and a nice trip to someone who knows electics :(


Just got some fuses now, gonna go rip the head unit out and then try a fuse.... wish me luck ;)


Nuts, forgot id screwed the head unit in... back in the office to get a screw driver.. brb with news shortly.


The chav kit has been ripped out... but this wasnt the problem.

It would appear that the stereo was wired up incorrectly (earth for stereo was wired to the blue+red wire) guessing this is probably a live of some description. In short, ripped out the HU and no more blown fuses !

Just need to re-wire the stereo correctly. Suggestions on a suitable earth point to use for HU would be good pls ?

Fast Guy

Staff member
You were lucky. My next door neighbour put a new head unit in and earthed it through the sidelight circuit without realising. When he put the radio and side lights on, the car filled with smoke and the harness from the radio back about 18" melted into a fused blob.

Your radio was probably earthed the same.

These are the factory wires on the back of my head unit:-
12v feed - Red/blue bands
Earth - Yellow
12V Memory - Yellow /red bands

Fronts - 1pair light grey/ 1pair dark grey
Rears - 1pair purples/ 1 pair greens


Sounds like I got off lightly !! :)

So i'm looking for a yellow lead coming from the loom... nice one... thanks mate i'll give that a whirl (fingers crossed no smoke;)).

Fast Guy

Staff member
Make sure your colours match what I listed as it's possible there may be some model differences over the years.


Not a yellow wire in sight. I'll nip out at lunch and make a list of all the wires that I have and post them up here.