Engine about to explode...?

Whilst driving on my private test track once I get up to about 120-125 the car backs off violently and won't accelerate anymore. Doesn't feel like a limiter as it's too violent and not at the right speed. The car runs fine after with no smoke, any suggestions :?: :?:


New Member
Does the turbo seem to cut out and feel like the car is going to die :?: Cuz this has happened to me today :!: and is ok again. :?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Is it a Pulsar?
Is it at this speed wether in 4th or 5th?
Does it cut out for quite a while before coming back in?
Is your speedo working/
If so, it could well be the speed limiter kicking in. As my speedo is playing up and mine does this.


New Member
Yes mines a Pulsar, and I know that it does it in 5th not happened in 4th (yet)! And cuts out at about 5500 rpm (?) and my speedo is intermitant too and sometimes the rev counter goes up to 9000 when I'm only going steady :?
It only does it in 5th when flat out at highly illegal speeds, must be around 6k rpm, the engine doesn't die just feels like its lost all power, feels to violent to be a limiter/de-limiter but could be, it's a pulsar btw. I guess that it only does it in 5th and not in any gear suggests it's a speed related thing and not connected to the revs the engines doing when it happens...

Fast Guy

Staff member
When my limiter kicks in, it feels like the engine has died as there's no response when you press the accelerator, I have to wait until the speed has dropped to about 90 before I get control back :shock:
This only happens when the speedo isn't working (delimiter fooked?)
When the speedo's working I can redline it in 5th no problem. :oops:


this has happened to me a few times to!! my speedo is also abit dodgy - working off and on. but 90% of the time its ok!
whats the drill for fixing the speedo?? is it gearbox related? :D


Active Member
as rishi said all these problem seem delimiter related,possible bad wiring? wire rubbing?shorting out? the delimiter is usally spliced into V.S.S



This happened to my car when i first had it, but in 4th at about 100mph on full boost engine would just shut all injectors and slow down violently till the injectors opened and off we went again.

Turned out to be because the ecu was getting no speed reading (fcuked delimiter) and was shutting off injectors (from nissan consult).

Removed delimiter, car ran fine limited, then converted to mph.


New Member
mine did this at powerstation on saturday, got to 104 mph (6590rpm)and just died(spoilt my power run a bit! :cry: )
Rich at p.s. said it might be the speedo head, going to try a different head next week, see if it fixes it :(