Engine earthing


Active Member
I am soon going to be putting a few more earths around my engine but in all the earthing kits you see they seem to be useing what looks like starter cable is it not possable to use a thinner cable and still get the same benifits??
What size cable are you guys useing?


Active Member
I used 8 awg from Maplin, when I made my earth bonding kit. To be honest, I think that was a bit overkill. 10 awg should be fine and will be cheaper. Just for reference, I cleaned up all the old earthing points I could find and after reassembling, covered them with a coat of Waxoyl, to prevent future degredation. I ran a lead to the alternator, head, block, inlet manifold and another one from the battery to the chassis. You might want to reinforce the MAF and fuel pump earths at the same time too. It's very worthwhile, you should notice slightly better response, fuel economy, idling and your lights will be brighter too !


Active Member
Ok i will have to have a look at what cable i have laying around so 10awg is what i am after then.
Its good to see someone notest a difference some people swear by engine earthing while others don't belive in it at all but i would have thought there should be some sort of improvement considering Rs are about 15 years old now.
cheers rich


Active Member
If you talk to anyone who actually know's a thing or two about how electricity works, they'll tell you that you wouldn't fail to see an improvement in the way the car behaves. Especially, as you say, on a 15 year old car like the GTiR.
Little benefits I noticed, and they are noticable, after fitting the earthing kit and doing the reinforcing the earth on the fuel pump and MAF were lower idle, better pick up, improved fuel economy (if i'm careful, I can get almost 300 miles to a tank and mine should be running about 300 bhp with the mods I've done) and brighter lights. I've also reinforced the earth for the TPS as, this is a piddly little cable as standard.
For the little outlay in time and money, it should be one of the first mods to do.


I wish someone would put together a sensibly-priced kit together for us, a chap I know who's an electrical eng. consultant did it for the owner's club of the car I previously owned and only charged £40 for them!


Active Member
I made mine for about £20 and, I can get the cable and crimps cheaper now ! The only thing that seems to stop people doing this, apart from laziness, is not having the correct crimping tool. I've got one of those too so, it doesn't take too long. Unfortunately, I don't have much time on my hands these days, otherwise I'd make up an 'official' set.

deslynam, would that chap you know be TP from type-R.org ?


youngsyp said:
deslynam, would that chap you know be TP from type-R.org ?
It might be...

I've known Paul for a few years, we both used to have GTI6s, although he's gone mad recently with a crazy skyline as well as the breadvan! :lol:


Active Member
deslynam said:
It might be...

I've known Paul for a few years, we both used to have GTI6s, although he's gone mad recently with a crazy skyline as well as the breadvan! :lol:
That's the fella ! I'm a mod over on the Type-r.org and I've been to a couple of their North London meets too, that's how I know of him !


South West Regional Rep
There was a chap who made a kit for the GTR and charged about £40. If people are really interested I can track him down??


Staff member
I shouldn't bother, they're a waste of money. There's another thread running on this topic where that's the concesus. I jokingly offered to make some for £30 as even at that money they're a rip off. Buy yourself some sandaper or better a grinder and clean up your earth points instead.