engine removal tip!



just thought i would pass on a valuable bit of info to all you's who are about to remove your engine, was gonna do it ages ago but forgot all about it.

main problem is once you've dropped your engine, you have to get it to where you want it and most of you end up dragging it along the ground, damaging the sump pan :doh:

well ive discovered that if you go round the back of your local supermarket 'sommerfields is my favourite' you will find an assortment of trolleys!

during the hours of darkness, go and BORROW a bread trolley there about 2foot square and have very strong castors on the bottom they also have a low ground height of no more than 4 inches, and are ideal to drop your engine / box onto they will take the weight easily without collapsing, and you can wheel your lump around very nicely indeed.

i have some of these in stock which i have purchased;-) they are a very usefull thing indeed when removing your engine, although im sure you will be able to aquire your own!!!


Good tip fella, I did nick one a few years ago when I took my engine out first time, But I binned it when we moved to Scotland thinking I'd just pick up anther one, But I've not able to purchase one yet :doh: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

You can alway cut some timber to fill in the centre to make it a nice strong platform ;-) .



as rob just said if you use wood inserts you can stand engine upright without it moving i just laid two bits of 4x2 either side on trolley and it was very secure.
you could even take it for walkies down shops if you felt inclined!


New Member
I just used the bottom section of anengine stand with a strong piece of wood across it. Anyone with common sense will not drag their engine out on the sump pan.

The best one was i "borrowed" a pallet truck from work and that did the trick. My boss found out one was missing and i had to return it......!


I uses a bread trolley with a plank of wood over it with some big bits of spung under the sump,

once the cars up in the air i just pull the engine and box out from under the car .


JamieSimms said:
Pikey twat
are you that bored with your own calib site that you've gotta come on here with crap comments like that?

either take me up on my bet or fcuk off:roll: simple as:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:


godamn it, Jamie, you have just shown everyone what a calibra owner you really are!

**** off back to chavland, c*nt.



Active Member
Great tip but 20 years to late, I cut down a tesco trolley years ago to move my mini engine around, still have it infact.




New Member
Already have a nice 2x1 foot angel iron trolley, standing about 2 1/2 inches off of the floor and has double heavy duty castors on each corner of the frame. i usually use itt for cartingcast iron boilers to my van when i take the ol' ba5tard5 out , would easily take an engine :).