error webpage has too many redirects


Staff member
Not me.

What browser are you using; are you coming straight to the site from a bookmark or are you coming from Google?
Its still redirecting to adult friend finder if you type in google gtiroc and click the link. does this in IE firefox safari

dev singh

I'm using google chrome and also tried the ie normal one lot of the time webpage don't open or anti virus stops it it only happens on this site log back in i had to clear the cookies each time some times halfway through the session ...i'm pissed of having to clear cookies and logging back in


Staff member
Are you running any browser extension and/or toolbars? - I find Chrome is pretty reliable, but I sometimes have problems with Firefox when I post.


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, every time this is fixed it keeps coming back.

i am at loggerheads trying to fix it.