fastpulsar2005 make me faster



hey so some people do have the same problem and here is how to get rid of it for next to of u guys mentioned ebay resistors,mate just got one absolutely hilarious,didnt do anything,anyway here it is.
what you wana do is find the little pump on the washer bottle for the rear wiper wash,folow the pipe up to where it goes under the bonnet and into the bulkhead.right there stick a t-piece and run 2 rubber pipes to just underneath your bonnet scoop.Then find a couple of old carburettors(will be lying aroung in any garage)and nick the injectors out of them .99 or 100 will do fine.attach the fuel injectors to the rubber pipes which you earlier installed and mount them facing down onto your intercooler(top mounted of course).then fit a micro-switch to your accelerator so that everythime you put your foot to the floor the injectors will spray.i suggest 3 things beforte you do this.first empty your washer bottle if it contains wahser fluid make sure its only water neat.also make sure that you get new H.T leads that seal properly,even though most of the water will be evaporated by the time it gets through intercooler this ones just a precaution and last i would fuse the whole thing incase something shorts out.if anyone is wondering what you may gain by doing this here you go.the reason your r isnt as pokey once reaching optimum temp is because all the hot air from the engine had heated up the intercoooler(top mounted). now the colder the air being sucked into it the faster you will go.Because the engine is hot as is the air inside the intercooler u lose that pokeyness.spaying water like a mist on to the intercooler will cool the air down inside it thus giving you back the this problem can be easily rectified with a front mounted intercooler conversion which i have seen going for a this will pretty much do the same and you wont spend more that 50quid on parts and a bit of common sense.anyone with problems or questions please do not hesitate to message me.they tend to use this system in hot countries as well as front mounted intercoolers.enjoy :wink:

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this has been discussed a lot on the forum in the past with some interesting comments have a search and see...