forte treatment


Staff member
never flush your engine with any of that "engine flush" rubbish. I almost guarantee it will upset some thing in the engine sooner or later once used.


New Member
The Forte injector cleaner for diesel cars is a great product.
I use it on my van before MOT. It was a taxi driver that put me onto it.
There should be no need to flush GTiR if you use good oil and change it regularly.
I just use a 1/4 pint of paraffin in my van just before an oil change that works just the same.
I would not flush the R though.... the oil comes out looking as good as it was when it went in.


treatments like that are only any good if used from new (as in a new engine and even then ive known problems with the stuff), as stated above it will cause issues with your engine you will find it will remove carbon deposits as stated on the bottle, but this isnt recommended in older engines as removing these carbon deposits will cause smoking and missfiring of the engine.

Thats my recommendation and i use the stuff at work all day long on cars and i know first hand how different engines react to the stuff, so its entirely up to yourself if you want to use it mate


what owens has said above is spot on:thumbsup:

all this type of gear is alright if its used from when engine was new. im talking about oil additives such as slick50, forte and all the other stuff on the market, but adding it to an old engine is a complete and utter waste of time and money!

as scotty said above, paraffin is fine for flushing oil in a diesel or a car, if you have a blown headgasket and the oil has turned to mayo where its mixed with water.
but no need to use it in a normal oil change.

as for injector cleaner......this stuff is good in petrol and diesel motors and it does help keep the fuel system clean.
for best results, fill the fuel filter with it and pour the rest in the tank, this will give the injectors a thorough boost clean as it will flood the injectors with the cleaner by putting it in the fuel filter, good stuff!

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
pulsarboby said:
as for injector cleaner......this stuff is good in petrol and diesel motors and it does help keep the fuel system clean.
for best results, fill the fuel filter with it and pour the rest in the tank, this will give the injectors a thorough boost clean as it will flood the injectors with the cleaner by putting it in the fuel filter, good stuff!
if i can just add a little to this.....

a lot of injector cleaners contain paraffin and other stuff that will actually lower the octane rating of your fuel so if you do use it dont go heavy on the boost as it could cause it to det:shock:

cheers to Ashills for that bit of advice;-)


Active Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
if i can just add a little to this.....

a lot of injector cleaners contain paraffin and other stuff that will actually lower the octane rating of your fuel so if you do use it dont go heavy on the boost as it could cause it to det:shock:
And....... if you use V-Power, you should need them anyway as, it contains its own, very effective, cleaning additives !
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Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
i only use v power anyway, tesco' s is shit and i wouldnt bother using bpoo or similar 97ron either, locally its dearer than shell:der:


Active Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
i only use v power anyway, tesco' s is shit and i wouldnt bother using bpoo or similar 97ron either, locally its dearer than shell:der:
Too right me old (ock sparrow. :lol:


I find that my car runs pretty well on the ESSO super unleaded if need be, But yes V-power is the best option.



Staff member
ashleygtir said:
well ive got loads f the stuff if anyone want some, even if not for thier R.
let me know or tell me to pi55 off lol
I already deleted a thread of yours where you were trying to push this stuff, can you leave it now please.

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New Member
forte engine flush is one of the best engine flush on the market, but these are more for cars which only have oil changes at 20,000 to 24,000 miles a time if ur oil is often changed ie every 4000 miles there is no need at all, injector cleaner cant really do any harm if added with a full tank of fuel as said in the instructions, i use 1 every week but i dont pay for the fuel treatments so every fill up i add it as its free as is octain booster lol but every 6000 miles wouldent do no harm.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
ezibuy said:
forte engine flush is one of the best engine flush on the market, but these are more for cars which only have oil changes at 20,000 to 24,000 miles a time if ur oil is often changed ie every 4000 miles there is no need at all, injector cleaner cant really do any harm if added with a full tank of fuel as said in the instructions, i use 1 every week but i dont pay for the fuel treatments so every fill up i add it as its free as is octane booster lol but every 6000 miles would do no harm.
every week!??:shock:


paraffin based injector cleaner will **** your octane levels:do: what brand do you use? that nitros stuff that contains methanol or whatever it is? or something similar?

personally id rather stick to the v power;-)


Well-Known Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
i only use v power anyway, tesco' s is shit and i wouldnt bother using bpoo or similar 97ron either, locally its dearer than shell:der:
Theres nothing wrong with BP ultimate ;-) My car was running on that stuff at bruntingthorpe for that j-tuner magazine feature so it cant be that bad :lol:


New Member
Does seem a little eccessive mate every week. I maybe shove some injector cleaner in the tank every year lol, as stated though the V Power has all or most additives and cleaners required to keep the system as clean as poss.

I did notice though a build up of some suspended solids in the filtered fuel, all depends on how often the station fills there tanks and how low they let them get before they fill up again. There are incidents that ive heard of that the station let their tanks get so low one guy was pumping the sediment from the bottom of the station tank into their car tank, not good. If the station pump start to sound funny stop and go somewhere else for your fuel as its most likely drawing from the bottom.
