Front nearside brake pipe


New Member
Ok ... When i came to install my new brakes, the drivers side brake pipe bolt had been rounded off so i had to cut the pipe to remove the old line.

I now need to replace this length of pipe from the ABS unit, this looks like a complete pig of a job, any words of wisdom?


New Member
Is this the hard copper pipe?

If you have the tools to create the rounded ends (like a socket and spigot arrangment in pipework) then I thought this would be a relatively easy job. Just thread the pipe through the access holes in place of the old pipe and create the ends as a final step.



New Member
Yeah, i've had a quick look and access to it, like everything looks difficult .. will have a real look tonight


Active Member
its a pain in the arse job to do,much easier to do with the car on ramps but i still couldnt get in to do it so got a mate with skinny arms to do it


New Member
Right ... i've had a closer look at this, and the only way i can see of getting to this is by removing the entire inlet manifold!!!?

Anyone got any pearls of wisdom they'd like to share?


New Member
Yeah looks as though it's crimped on to the metal pipe but in order to get a good join on it you would be better getting it off I think as I think I know where it runs and if you ain't got a ramp you'll have a day of grief.. for something as poxy as that I'd hate to have to take the inlet off.. but if you can it would be the best way.

I've tried taking the inlet off twice in 1 piece because I could get to the back plenum bolts.. and without dropping a few mounts to get the engine away from the bulkhead it's pretty impossible unless you want to score the surface.

I'm sure other guys here have an easier way of taking it off as many people have removed it along with throttle bodies for reconditioning :)

Kill two birds with one stone ;)


New Member
Just a thought.. if you are taking off the inlet it might be an idea to refresh the air box pipes on the back of the intake manifold.. as they are a bitch to access once back on the vehicle.