front speakers

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
How do i get the front speakers out, want to replace them cant find screws to remove the door pocket that the speaker cover' s attatched to. do i just remove the whole door card?


Be careful when you remove the door card as the loom for the window control switch can be short. When I had my front speakers fitted they had a bit of trouble when the control unit came apart and the plastic gromits went everywhere :shock: .But we managed to find them all and get it put back together properly, but I was a bit worried.




Yes mate cheers. It came this morning :D Just waiting for my upper strut braces then I'll get everything fitted.


Active Member
Any chance of borrowing one of those OE speakers from you ? I'm after one to make a template from. If you are close to Thurrock in Essex, I can jump in the car and pick it up.



Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
the speakers fitted are aftermarket 5 an a half inch jobs or 17cm from halfords i think, standard size. the guy i got the car from stuck em in. your welcome to borrow one if you want but it might be cheaper/easier if you measure one from a shop. im from sunny canvey by the way :D so if you do want to borrow it (still in car new speakers not bought yet should be ten min job) let us know and pm me your mob so' s next time she wants to go shopping i' ll bring it up

in case you were wondering the rears are 13cm speakers at least the ones i put in were a direct swop

hope that helps, stu


Active Member
Thanks for that mate but, I'm after the original front speakers. Basically, I want to make a template from the OE speakers to create a perfect seal/mount, between the door and speaker, for aftermarket speakers.

Looks like the quest continues :wink: