fudging twin plate clutches


Staff member
My clutch has started to slip!! :evil:

It uses metallic plates and is rated at over 500hp and it can't take 250hp.

The problem is my wife's car is being changed so she's used my daily drive and I've used the Sunny. In the recent fog and rain I've had to do a few business trips and been stuck in traffic for ages and I rekon I've either polished the surface or just worn out the plates so their is no clamping force anymore.

Its only lasted 3000miles and the engine will have to come out again. Have been doing no launches and 250hp is the most hp its run so it can only be down to recent commuting abuse and metallic plates getting too hot through slipping and wearing out.

I just finished speaking to superclutch who are very helpful but know every potential clutch problem going so it just gets depressing. I'd definately go for organic plates next time (Used them before) as the metallics have been a pain for the road car. I'm wondering what the experience is of the other people using suplerclutch kits on here.

I'm toying with fitting a less race orientated clutch as it suits the cars driving style more. The only silver lining is when the engine comes out it will be easier to fit the turbo as well :roll: IF I can fix the powerFC problem first!!!



Staff member
Just been speaking with a mate, he was wondering if my clutch has been incorrectly adjusted and isn't putting enough pressure on the plates? Sound feasible?


traffic wears out cerametallic clutches quicker. try bleeding the clutch system


Active Member
my os giken wore out the same way. the heat of slipping and (flywheel problem) just acclerated the wear and cuased dishing effect on second plate. are your plate's damper type or solid? are the organic plate's damper type? i may not fit os giken back in when uprating the clutch.



Staff member
Will try a clutch bleed and see what happens. Nikko, are you in the UK now?

The discs for the metallic and organic are both the solid type. I had heard that metallic clutches wear in traffic but I just hadn't realised how quickly. Zia, how many miles did you get out of the OS Giken before it went the same way?

Simple (Free) things first though before I get too upset :cry:

Cheers guys,


Still waiting on some shims!
campbellju said:
Will try a clutch bleed and see what happens. Nikko, are you in the UK now?

The discs for the metallic and organic are both the solid type. I had heard that metallic clutches wear in traffic but I just hadn't realised how quickly. Zia, how many miles did you get out of the OS Giken before it went the same way?

Simple (Free) things first though before I get too upset :cry:

Cheers guys,

I'd say that it may not be fitted properly because Bruce is using the twin plate organic Superclutch and his car was running 400lb torque and 2.1bar daily...



Staff member
RishiGTiR said:
I'd say that it may not be fitted properly because Bruce is using the twin plate organic Superclutch and his car was running 400lb torque and 2.1bar daily...
I can vouch for the actual fitting as previous problems with spline wear meant that I had 2 specials tools made up and the flywheel made completely square to the input shaft so the fitting was 100%. Whether the clutch is adujsted/bled correctly I need to double check.

Bruce, is using the organic clutch plates rather than the metallic so maybe they wear better under road conditions. What sort of mileage had he done between plates. I had these on for about 800 miles before the rebuild but the plates disintegrated whilst the car was waiting to be dismantled for 6 months. That's why I went for the metallic. Just wondering what wear rates are typical.

Fundamentally I think the clutch is a good design, with the original plates it is rated at 550-750lb/ft depending on where you look/talk to. Its just its longevity I have a problem with.


Still waiting on some shims!
campbellju said:
RishiGTiR said:
I'd say that it may not be fitted properly because Bruce is using the twin plate organic Superclutch and his car was running 400lb torque and 2.1bar daily...
I can vouch for the actual fitting as previous problems with spline wear meant that I had 2 specials tools made up and the flywheel made completely square to the input shaft so the fitting was 100%. Whether the clutch is adujsted/bled correctly I need to double check.

Bruce, is using the organic clutch plates rather than the metallic so maybe they wear better under road conditions. What sort of mileage had he done between plates. I had these on for about 800 miles before the rebuild but the plates disintegrated whilst the car was waiting to be dismantled for 6 months. That's why I went for the metallic. Just wondering what wear rates are typical.

Fundamentally I think the clutch is a good design, with the original plates it is rated at 550-750lb/ft depending on where you look/talk to. Its just its longevity I have a problem with.

Could maybe even do one better... Bruce's engine is out just now so i could maybe get some pics of the plates so you can see the wear for yourselves...

Might need a few days though and will have to see if its ok with Bruce too...



Still waiting on some shims!
Just called in... Bruces plates are like new... No wear at all really... The only wear that can be seen is on the flywheel...

Not sure of mileage yet...

Pics will be sent to me later...



Active Member
i think i did about 800 mile's or so and the previous owner did about 1k on it. the first plate was down to 3.4 mm the second had 3.7mm became dished??? (heat may have caused this) and could not select any gears.
been looking for twin plate damper type replacment. do super clutch supply damper type friction plate's?.



Still waiting on some shims!
zia said:
i think i did about 800 mile's or so and the previous owner did about 1k on it. the first plate was down to 3.4 mm the second had 3.7mm became dished??? (heat may have caused this) and could not select any gears.
been looking for twin plate damper type replacment. do super clutch supply damper type friction plate's?.



i actually had a twin plate OS Giken with Sprung Damper plates but i sold it on...

Spring Dampers are no good for high reving... So i went for the SuperClutch Twin Metalic...



Staff member
When I spoke with superclucth they have 3 options for plates.

The old metallic material that is tough as old boots but users found the take up was too severe. (I found if you weren't concentrating you could stall it sometimes.)

The new metallic material that I have in at the moment that is softer and has been streetable (Never stalled it) but seems to have worn more quickly. 3 - 4000miles max

The final material is the organic that I had before my rebuild and was truly streetable. I did a few 1000miles on thaem and there appeared to be little wear when the engine failed, the pads disintegrated through lack of use after 6-9 months. (The friction material is only glued to the plate rather than riveted so they fell apart when the clutch was removed)

No damper system on any of these plates and the quartemaster PP design doesn't support it. (Too compact)


Still waiting on some shims!
campbellju said:
When I spoke with superclucth they have 3 options for plates.

The old metallic material that is tough as old boots but users found the take up was too severe. (I found if you weren't concentrating you could stall it sometimes.)

The new metallic material that I have in at the moment that is softer and has been streetable (Never stalled it) but seems to have worn more quickly. 3 - 4000miles max

The final material is the organic that I had before my rebuild and was truly streetable. I did a few 1000miles on thaem and there appeared to be little wear when the engine failed, the pads disintegrated through lack of use after 6-9 months. (The friction material is only glued to the plate rather than riveted so they fell apart when the clutch was removed)

No damper system on any of these plates and the quartemaster PP design doesn't support it. (Too compact)

I'd take the 1st or 3rd option depending on how you are going to use the car... I know Bruce uses the organic and gave it some stick and it never slipped... But i don't know what its like on the drag and track...
