Fuel pump wiring


Active Member
Right, I know this has been done to death but, I was having a play with the car on Friday, as ya do and measured the voltage at the fuel pump out of curiosity. First I pulled off the connector with 2 wires and didn't get a reading. I assume this is the fuel level sender connector, is that correct ? (in the 'How to guide' to re-wire the fuel pump, it's stated that the 2 wire connector is for the fuel pump ?!)
Then I pulled off the connector with the 3 wires. 1 had 7 volts and the other had 11.7 volts.
Firstly, this reading of 11.7 volts seems to be fairly uniform with what other owners are experiencing. This got me thinking about whether the voltage was raised at the fuel pump, due to demand ?!
Secondly, what is the cable with the 7 volt reading for ?
Thirdly, in the 'How to guide', the recommendation is to use 10 awg - 8amg cable. Does this seem like over kill to anyone else, considering the thickness of the OE cable ?

I'm going to use 20-25 amp, as this should be more than sufficient !




Active Member
Before you go to the expense of miles of heavy cable, take a reading between the live and a nearby bit of the chassis - you'll find some useful bolts and things around the rear light cluster.

On mine it was just the earth was foobarred. 6" of heavy cable I had lying about from an ICE install later - and one new earth - 14V :D
