Fuel Regulator Gauges


New Member


I have one fitted under the bonnet on the end of my fuel rail, I can't see the point of fitting one in the car really, As you only need to use it when adjusting the fuel reg.

I suppose you could see if the pump failed but i doubt that you'd actually notice when you where driving along until it was to late anyway.

Better to fit a low fuel pressure warning light if you wanted that sort of safe guard.

I'll get some pics of my new fuel lines later once I've finished making them lol.



New Member
cheers rob, that gauge that goes in the car has a warning light which comes on if the fuel pressure goes below 30psi, so in a way thats giving you a bit of protection i guess!
sounds like id be better off going for the kit with the pressure gauge under the bonnet and then adding the in car one for proctection purposes, although you'd start to notice something was wrong before the fuel pressure warning light came on anyway id hope!


I have a spare in line gauge mount if you want it, I fitted mine to the end of the rail now using an Earl adaptor.

I wouldn't bother with that reg in your link £32 lol, must be a good-en Hehehe



Staff member
Potentially a gauge in the cabin could be dangerous as it would have a feed from the fuel supply connected to the rear of the gauge...............

and you wouldn't want any leaks behind the dash really would you..........



Active Member
stevepudney said:
Potentially a gauge in the cabin could be dangerous as it would have a feed from the fuel supply connected to the rear of the gauge...............

and you wouldn't want any leaks behind the dash really would you..........

As Ian has said, if you use an electronic gauge, and not a mechanical one, this isn't an issue. Same applies with oil pressure gauges ! ;-)

That is a very good price for an electronic fuel pressure gauge though.