Fusion motorsport

johnny gtir

Well-Known Member
My last attempt if anyone knows or sees edd please ask him to contact me about my ecu. Last messages were he had my switchable boards and lead in i also want a camrea from him for a xmas present. Soon as i get my ecu i can swap bits over onto the car ie injectors airflow meter.The x mas hols is only really get time off so need this ecu for then so car will run after that my plan is to get straight to him in the new year for further mapping. I totally understand peoples busy as i am my self but its been a long time now. E mails now say not delivered so not sure if he is away again any help would be great


Ed has been having problems with his email recently and he's really busy. Don't worry he won't of forgotten about you :thumbsup:

Fusion Ed

Active Member
Not forgotten, sorry you should have called (or if you did I missed them but as far as I know ive got back to everyone this week). I've been working 15hour days all week, and fusion is a huge sponsor to quite a large firework display at a local FC so been really really really flat out this week with prep for that. Will be back to normal on monday - and yes wed/thurs had a power cut which put the mail server offline for a bit - but I did see your email, just not had any time to reply. In fact its 2.30 again and I need to be up at 7... Sorry John will be in touch asap.

johnny gtir

Well-Known Member
As long as your alive bonfire as long as your not the guy lol i know the feeling done seven day weeks for the past 15 weeks only 2 days off. 12 and 14 hour shifts. I will hear from you next week. Looks like your ahead and on the case whats the saying that lad needs a rocket up his arse your dealing with several ha thanks again