Gear Box Rebuild Parts Supplier


Active Member
Hi everyone,
i`m deep into my gearbox rebuild now and its come to the point where its all stripped, both shafts and casing and i`m now at the stage of sourcing parts.

Any ideas where its best to get new syncro ring and clips from?

thinking i might as well replace them while its all apart,

cheers ollie


Active Member
Alright again mate,i will get onto the bearing part numbers for you when i have a couple of mins to dig them out.
As for syncros and clips,i thing nissan is the only place you will get them parts from.


Active Member
no probs mate, was just wondering if there was a second source that may do them cheaper, and or uprated.
Cheers guys!

Gtirx2, i`ve found the bearing numbers for all of the tapered bearings now (were on the rear face of the bearing! couldn`t see them till i pressed them off.

Is there any known problem areas that i shold spend special attention to whilst inspecting the box?


New Member
my nissan garage deosnt know shit about pulsars and i cant find the insert clips no ware... i really need a part number or something!