Gearbox boo hoo :(

Danny S R

New Member
I was taking a blast to get some petrol (nearest shell is 20 miles away :x ) all was well til i was crusing back, i did almost the full journey back in fifth (quiet A road), when i got to a junction, went into second, that and first were real stodgy like their in treacle, find it hard to get the stick out second gear but once out 3,4, and 5 are just as normal? there is no grounching/grinding from the box its just hard to move the stick in and out first/second? help, whats wrong!? please tell me its linkages? :cry:


sounds like the selectors maybe mate, have you tried changing the oil in the box. i have had just had my gearbox rebuilt and that was how mine started before it totally went, sorry to say but hopefully you are not expercieng the same prob where abouts are you in lincolnshire im in grantham

Danny S R

New Member
alright mate thanks for the reply in right near lincoln so not too far, ive got loadsa MT90 ready to go in but is it worth it if its gonna go pop? Plus im struggling to find the fill plug on top, i know, im stupid! :lol:


Danny S R said:
alright mate thanks for the reply in right near lincoln so not too far, ive got loadsa MT90 ready to go in but is it worth it if its gonna go pop? Plus im struggling to find the fill plug on top, i know, im stupid! :lol:
The filler isn't on top it's at the front on the right hand side (as you look at it from the front) right next to the big front engine mount :wink: .

And if I where you I'd get someone that know's what there talking about to look at it before you waste £100 of MT90, As I wouldn't like to say what's wrong with it, It could be one of many thing's matey :( .

And know one on here could possibly tell you what's wrong with out first seeing it, With the exception of maybe exgtir or olly who might both have an idear but you will need to pm them to find out what they think.



no probs mate like vpulsar said get it checked first dont waste your money, as changing the oil maybe a complete waste of time

Danny S R

New Member
Cheers for the replies boys, Vpulsar i know what you mean no-one can diagnose the prob just by my description! just wanna make sure im going along the right lines! :D while im on again can someone tell me how to "set" the gearbox, wanna take off all the linkages and check everything plus will i need any sepcial tools to connect it all back together? and generally when an R box breaks what are the common causes?

Do the selector forks fall off, break or wear
Does the syncro rings break
Do springs break
Do bearings go
Do splines wear
Do they throw teeth

Thanks again guys, here's to getting it fixed and whoopin some more scooby-poos! :D


Danny S R said:
common causes

Do the selector forks fall off, break or wear - break after ham fisted use or abuse
Does the syncro rings break - wear out and baulk
Do springs break - detent springs on synchro hubs fall out and jam up gear box selector.
Do bearings go - Noisy but never seen one break
Do splines wear - Output shaft picks uo pn 3 rd gear sometimes but not spline faults yet.
Do they throw teeth - now and again teeth fall (one or so) and sometimes they tear right off completely.

Thanks again guys, here's to getting it fixed and whoopin some more scooby-poos! :D
So are you saying you have complete and correct use of the clutch? cos just simply stiff movement into 1st and 2nd? Hows reverse?

Danny S R

New Member
Yeah clutch is fine no slip or anything reverse is fine as is this the rest of the forward gears, bit of an update, i did an 80 mile round motorway/fast A Road journey last nite and its a lot better! :D whats goin on?! :?