gearbox out!

gtir bean

New Member
iv only done about 150 miles in my pulsar now and the clutch release fork is cracked half way round so i cant get any gears!how hard is the gearbox to take out?im competent mechanicaly but have only ever dono fwd boxes.any advice would be great.


Well-Known Member
I'd only ever done fwd cars before i got mine but i just got stuck in. After all its only an engine, theres just more to remove with all the 4x4 running gear thats all.

If your a competant mechanic then you should be ok :wink:

If you've got access to a ramp then that makes life easier, but if not the way i do it is to get the front of the car as high as possible on axle stands then drop the engine out onto the floor and separate the engine and box underneath the car :wink:

The first time you do it will probably take a bit of time cos theres brackets everywhere that need to taken off to remove the box :evil:

Good luck :D

gtir bean

New Member
think ill just pay to get it done.dont realy have time to do it and i cant see it being easy outside my flat.


PM Olly or Mike on here, alot cheaper then getting it done by garage

gtir bean

New Member
its costin me about £200 to get much would a cusco 6point gage be worth?only for the front half.