Gearbox Woes ! :(


New Member
The other night while i was handing my friends a$$ to him in his new Clio v6 255 i lost 5th gear as i was coming off a slip road on the M77. Pulled over & just couldnt seem to get the gear stick out of 5th which was whizzing like nothing else, eventully got it out and had to drive home in 4th. 1st 2nd 3rd & 4th seem ok but 5th just wont select & when i try it, it just makes a whizzing noise which dosnt sound healthy.

Anyone got any suggestions as to what it could be, my first thoughts were the syncro-mesh but im just not sure. :? :? :?

Helix Organic clutch & as far as i know the Gearbox is Standard.

Thanks in advance.



New Member
damn that sounds costly! is this where i start saving up and considering the quaife box? and is there a cheaper quick fix until i have the dosh?


Only option is a rebuild or another box,you can pick a descent box up for about 250 if you look hard enough.


New Member
right thats a nice option, i can deal with 250 for now, would i do anymore damage to the car if i just cruised around using only the first 4 gears?


New Member
i reckon you might mate, there probably loads of bits of metal floating about in there now mate, it will be just a matter of time before it messes the rest of the gearsbox up.


New Member
If you carry on driving with just 4 gears i would make sure you wear your seat belt cos them bit's in the box may get stuck making the box lock up and you don't want that. :wink: