Got a copper/brass radiator? Give feedback


New Member
I was reading the closed group buy for absolute radiators.

Has anyone got the copper/brass one with an FMIC. If so, can you give feedback as to performance? It seems such a good upgrade for the price. Is it heavier than standard, etc.

Basically, this old thread is a mildly negative towards the copper one so just thought people might have some positive things to say before I do the order deed.

Interest rates might go up next week, if so, stronger pound and better foreign buying power!


New Member
yeah id like to read some good and bad feedback as im after a performance rad but im not sure wether to go for the fleebay rad or the copper jobber @ absolute radiators??


Active Member
Not sure what sort of feedback you're after ?!

But, it will be heavier, not just from the rad itself but, it will also hold more coolant so, that will add to it's weight !
Both the copper and aluminium rads don't have any plastic parts either so, they'll be addition weight there.

I'd expect a 'performance' rad to cool better in the hotter months, as well as when you push the car but, it will also mean the engine takes longer to warm up. You might even have to partially cover the rad in the winter, to allow the engine to warm up fully !
Of course, if the engine is cooler, the cooling fans should switch on less often, and for shorter amounts of time too.

Just a few thoughts....



Active Member
nitrosgti-r said:
yeah id like to read some good and bad feedback as im after a performance rad but im not sure wether to go for the fleebay rad or the copper jobber @ absolute radiators??
I'd go for the copper one, not the possibly shitty one from eBay.... ;-)

But, the copper one would suit my needs better ! Horses for courses...



New Member
cheers for that youngsyp, some valid points there! Im not too bothered about the extra weight etc and im sure i can warm the R up pretty well. Im after info like keeping the temp down and fitment and space left etc?