GReddy Turbo timer.. worth installing?



hi every one just wondering if i should bother installing the GReddy turbo timer which came with my car, the lad just chucked it in when i bought it.. any body know what they actually do!!!??

and would it be worth the bother installing or shall i just flog it? thanx



i think it is worth installing the turbo timer, it keeps your engine running for a minute or so after you turn the car off, so that the turbo keeps getting oil circulated around it so that it can cool down, resulting in increased longetivity of your turbo.


rrrrrr wicked mate, so thats wot it does!!!:der:

yeah me bro said about leaving the car running when y stop so y dont **** y turbo up.
nice one mate ill sort that out.


Their a waste of bl00dy time, If your running a good quality oil and drive the last half a mile or so at normal speeds then the engine shouldn't need any of this rubbish attached to it.....

There's a 30mph limit for last mile to my house anyway and I only do 10/15mph while in my road because of the kids and not to wake or annoy the neighbors if it's late at night :oops: ....

Plus the fact most alarms will not arm while these things are running which makes your insurance invalid, It's also illegal to leave a motor vehicle running and you get yourself a nice fat fine if you get some stroppy pig...

Personally I'd rather just sit their for 30 seconds and then switch off myself ;-) .



Staff member
Short answer, flog it on E-bay and do what Rob says, if you've hammered your car to within an inch of its life and then you need to let the whole car cool down with air circulating through all the bits (Brakes/tyres etc) too, not just idling on your drive.

Long Answer, I was reading that old turbos didn't have any water circulating so the bearings used to get hotter and when the engine was switched off the (old) oil burnt on the bearings coking them up. By manufacturers adding water cooling to turbo's, the problem of oil coking the bearings was basically solved by using the water as a secondary heat sink.

This is also why you don't see manufacturers installing turbo timers on turbo'd cars and still getting good reliability. This is what I read anyway but it makes sense to me. Open to comments from wiser people
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No your right fella, Pre water cooled turbo's had this oil burning onto the bearings problem, Moden water and oil cooled turbo's don't have this problem at all.

Turbo timers are just another gimmick that HKS and the like think up to fleece us of are hard earned cash.....



Rob and Jim you miserable pair :-D .

They are useful when you've just turned the car on and 'bugar, forgotten something' :doh: have to get back into the house. Can take keys out the ignition without it turning off, run in, get forgotten item and come back to a car. It's just I don't like turning the car off immediately after turning it off from cold (it probably won't start again :roll: ).

Also, its possible to pull chicks when your car turns itself off 8) :-D .

Everyone should have one on a turbo'd car, they're brilliant little useless unnecessary toys (bit like the R itself actually).


Staff member
So to summarise turbo timers:

Old married blokes answer: they suck

Young single blokes answer:
CruiseGTi-R said:
its possible to pull chicks when your car turns itself off 8) :-D
Well that's brightened up my morning no end ;-) :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:



I also forget to mention that when 'forgetting something' and running back into the house, I often change the timer to 30 seconds, setting myself a little challenge - run indoors, get stuff, back to car, stick keys in all before engine dies.

No end of fun. You don't know what you're missing.


The best game is trying to blip the alarm at the exact same time as when the engine goes off. 'oh it shuts down when I press this button'

Instead of selling your turbo timer you can sell the PS2.


Sad loser :roll: :roll: :roll: .

Both your lives and your chances of picking up a real woman must be pretty slim if you have to resort to underhanded trickery to impress the lady's, Or should I say school girls :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

Lets just get this straight once and for all, Turbo timers are a pointless waste of money and time, Unless your an immature billy no mates that couldn't pull in a brothel ;-)



Active Member
CruiseGTi-R said:
The best game is trying to blip the alarm at the exact same time as when the engine goes off. 'oh it shuts down when I press this button'

Instead of selling your turbo timer you can sell the PS2.
You need to get yourself a Clifford alarm with remote start. You can get a timer set up for your 'cool down' needs and have all the fun of the 'start/stop' engine facility at the push of a button. If you get it installed properly, it should do it from a quarter of a mile away too.......very useful ! :lol:


hhhmmmm a bit of a mixed answer!! well ive got a hybrid turbo in mine will that make any difference??

(im new 2 pulsars so im still a bit thick!!):)


That depends if the "hybrid" has roller bearings instead of the journal sleeve type that are factory,
cos its these that you have the problems with heat soak and oil burning onto them i think.
I'll stand corrected which i probably will:p

When you turn off the engine go and stand round the front of the R and if you can hear a wurring sort of noise then that'll be the roller bearings spinning still.

But yeah just chill off boost for the last 5 minutes on your way to parking up and you should be fine pal;-)
