GT3071 Oil Restrictor Help


New Member
Ive got a standard sized banjo bolt fitting on the turbo oil inlet and im sure that too much oil is going into the turbo after reading posts about restrictors and stuff. what size restrictor do i need and how would i go about getting one, is it simply a case of drilling a smaller hole into a banjo bolt and filling up the larger one?

all opinions welcome!!


New Member
cheers for the link carl, as ive already got a banjo bolt in place is it easier for me to make a new hole about 1mm in the banjo bolt and block off the exsisting size holes or can you get banjo bolts with smaller holes??


Active Member
A garrett gt3071 r has the restrictor already in place 99.9/100 times if you have not got one already in the turbo i think the hole should be .035 in size from memory as last week i had to get one then found out i had the restrictor in place im so stupid:doh: was wondering what that nipple was!! if you have journal bearing type then i dont see the harm in putting in your old oil line with old size oil hole. any one want to confirm this as im not 100% sure about everything ive stated.


New Member
MORF114 said:
A garrett gt3071 r has the restrictor already in place 99.9/100 times if you have not got one already in the turbo i think the hole should be .035 in size from memory as last week i had to get one then found out i had the restrictor in place
Yep, same thing as mine. I was worried about my oil line not having a restrictor in it but i phoned the people who built the trubo and they confirmed that my roller bearing turbo alread has the restrictor built into it.

Best thing to do is ask the people who built your turbo.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
iv got to admit to complete ignorance about this. seeing as Ginga and myself have been using my turbo for literally years i can only assume mine has the restrictor...

that SR20 forum thread might explain why a few american turbo' s have spat their dummy for no apparent reason though. how bloody stupid is that! selling a turbo that needs a restrictor, not fitting the damn thing and not telling you about it either:evil:


New Member
ive spoken with apex performance (who i got the turbo from) and they said that they sell the turbos with the restrictors already in. They asked if my breather system was different, but all ive got is a breather on the end of the rocker cover and still using the standard seperator at the front.

Could it be possible that the grade of oil im using is slightly to thick (its silkolene pro s 10w50) and when its cold its making its way past the seals because once the car has warmed up a bit the problem doesnt appear so obvious. If thats the case ive got some Millers 10w40 in the shed as this is what i used for the standard turbo.

Failing all of this i will have to modify a banjo bolt to fit as fusion ed doesnt have any restricor type fittings

Fusion Ed

Are you sure this is the problem? You will often get a tiny bit of oil past the seals but unless you have tried all other ideas it may be too premature to blame your turbo.


New Member
ive still got to try the reduced banjo bolt hole and if it still does it after that then i will be thinking that its a problem with the turbo itself. like i said it mainly happens on initial start up when the oil is cold and slightly denser

Fusion Ed

how much oil is in the airways?, it could be engine you see. I would be very surprised if its the turbo, unless its blown of a boost line or something at somepoint in its life (this kills r/r turbos pretty quickly)