gtir engine


thinking of going for major powers, so am thinking is my best bet selling my standard engine? its still in the car and people car hear it run and drive. Ive just weighed up the costs and to go for major powers its £££ so am thinking getting a second hand forged engine/norris engine. do you think this is my best route?
my engine has 72k fsh, has been running 302bhp with front mount and with remap


New Member
your best bet would be to re-build your own, why buy a second hand engine that you cant have any idea how good it is or how long it'll last


deisel weasel said:
your best bet would be to re-build your own, why buy a second hand engine that you cant have any idea how good it is or how long it'll last
Is this the reason so many take perfectly healthy engines and rebuild them - rather than sell the perfect engine and buy one with a piston gone to do the build? People could easily have a little more cash for their power projects if they were willing to swap or sell engines.

I'm sure there's plenty of people out there with an engine gone due to running lean or other that would love the opportunity to just swap engines with cash going to the owner with the running engine. Some people just don't have the money to spunk on a rebuild when they have other commitments and hence the cars are off the road for extended periods. I know I'd be one of those people. Does no-one ever consider something like this? Help others while helping yourself too? :idea:


New Member
GTI-R Kid said:
Is this the reason so many take perfectly healthy engines and rebuild them - rather than sell the perfect engine and buy one with a piston gone to do the build? People could easily have a little more cash for their power projects if they were willing to swap or sell engines.
read his first post again mate :wink:

he's on about a second hand engine thats already been rebuilt, personally i would rather rebuild one from scratch than buy one thats been built already. I can think of a few people that have been sold an allegedly good, rebuilt engine only for it to break not long after going in the car, i can also think of a chap who brought an alleged rebuilt engine only for it to turn out to be standard :shock: Then again, on the other hand some people have had a result 8)

At least if you start from scratch you know 100% whats been done.

As for buying a fo.o.oked second hand engine for a rebuild i full agree with you 8) The engine i'm rebuilding is a standard lump with a blown headgasket, cost me £300 8), infact it cost me nothing as i sold the good engine out the car which more than covered the cost of the f.o.oked one 8)

There are problems with buying a f.o.oked engine though, until it comes apart you cant be 100% sure what was wrong with it :( . The head could be warped, cracked, damaged, block could be cracked, twisted, bores damaged badly and need re-lining, crank could be damaged beyond repair etc.etc.

You could if you're unlucky end up with a pile of a junk :(


I suppose that technically my post was off topic :oops:

I spotted that he was thinking of buying an already rebuilt engine, I was responding to your suggestion that he rebuild his own :wink:

I get your point about buying a fooked engine being a minefield as you can never really tell what you're getting, likewise with a rebuilt secondhand engine.

I guess what I was really getting at is why do we never see good standard engines being sold on here and asking for a swap for an already damaged engine plus cash? Even just a good block with head with just the ancilliaries missing (so you don't have to worry about condition of turbo etc). I know that if I ever saw one and had the reddies I'd jump at it. Would mean my car would be back on the road a lot sooner instead of waiting for me to somehow find the money to rebuild my engine, while paying all the regular day to day bills at the same time.

Because we never see them advertised my car is stored away for 2+ years with a fooked piston in cylinder 1 after running lean. :cry: I'm sure there are others out there with the same problems. :?: