halfords 240v car polisher/buffer

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
iv just become an owner of one of these and was just wondering if anyone had some practical tips to using it?? it comes with the polishing pad to and a buffer which i assume is for after waxing:? there' s no instructions so anything constructive will he handy;-)

cheers for the help, stu:-D


New Member
If its the blue one with a big handle then throw it in the bin...

I got one the other week and it was a bag of ****, hope this helps


get your arms working stu, you lazy booger:lol:

or better still, get your haircut and make your own buffer from it:behindsofa: :lol:


New Member
I bought one about 18 months ago its ok for big flat panels anything small isnt worth it its quicker and better to do it by hand.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
gtirneil said:
If its the blue one with a big handle then throw it in the bin...

I got one the other week and it was a bag of ****, hope this helps
its green and the pads are about 10inch' s across... it does have a big daft handle though.

pulsarboby said:
get your arms working stu, you lazy booger:lol:

or better still, get your haircut and make your own buffer from it:behindsofa: :lol:
:doh: iv had it cut off yesterday:lol: this is the first time iv ever contemplated using one tbh are you saying its no better than arm power:?
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Active Member
I bought one years ago and used it once !

It takes to long to do it's job and then does a shite effort with that too.

Use good old fashioned elbow grease and a few microfibre cloths. ;-)


Active Member
get yourself a 3m buffing head toblerone shaped ones not a flat one as these put too much heat into the panel (if the heads interchangeable?) and some g3 farecla compound great stuff for polishing and you dont need a wax afterwards, ive used farecla polishes for more than 10 years and ive not come across a better cutting/polishing compound yet, great when used with some micro fibre cloths as it doesnt scratch with little dust particles or dry polish just make sure to mask out black plastics and rubbers and inside door/bonnet edges as it will fill up with compound.

What speed polisher is it xxxxrpm?

polishing a car properly can take 4 hours or a couple of days if your after a show finish and valet, ive polished so many cars ive lost count and wouldnt want to remember them as id probably have nightmares.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
its a 90watt the rpm is not listed:(

iv spent at least 4hrs just polishing a car by hand before so im not scared of a bit of elbow lol see my members R thread for proof;)

i cant get the head off the damn thing so i guess im going to be telling the missus that my b' day pressy is crap:(

im using a g10 compound for removing some little magnolia dots the absolute ****er of a decorator left on my car last yr after promising me he' d sheet it up:evil: its taken me about 8 hrs so far and im only half way through it:cry:

i found that using the g10 then the maguires paint cleaner/polish and wax brings it out a treat!:cool:

youngsyp said:
Use good old fashioned elbow grease and a few microfibre cloths. ;-)
aye thats what i' ll be using;) i might use the buffing pad as a mitton though as it nice and soft.......and not for w4nking with either Bob! lol
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aye thats what i' ll be using;-) i might use the buffing pad as a mitton though as it nice and soft.......and not for w4nking with either Bob! lol

:shock: i sincerely hope not stu, its for polishing your car! not your purple headed custard chucker:lol: :lol:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
pulsarboby said:
:shock: i sincerely hope not stu, its for polishing your car! not your purple headed custard chucker:lol: :lol:
oops! too late:lol:

youngsyp said:
If you're trying to remove house paint, have you tried a clay bar ?
oo, no! whats that then? (obviously the clues in the name) can i get it from halfrauds or autocare?


diesel weasel said:
polishing cars is for losers.....real men respray ;)
yeah i know:( its all about the money though im afraid, i need two 100% perfect doors and a similar ds wing first. i showed Jo my cunning colour plan as displayed on a young ladies KA the other day and she was kinda :shock::shock::faint:


anyone wanna teach me how to spray?
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New Member
MORF114 said:
g3 farecla compound great stuff for polishing and you dont need a wax afterwards,
G3 is a cutting compound and should be waxed afterwards. Its also gets finer the more you rub.

G3 is excellent for cutting back and then G Top for waxing to a ddep shine.
