Have you seen this before?



I took my mate for a drive to Batemans Bay today to have a look at his R which he said was running like a pig and had a loud rattle to it.

Upon inspecting the plugs etc, which were a little oily, and did a diagnostic on the ECU (which came up all clear), we removed the rocker cover and
discovered this - http://geocities.com/stick_canberra/david.html

As well as the rockers being off the valves, the spark plug in #4 was incredibly hard to undo, and will not come out even though its loose. I feel it may have been x-threaded by the butchers that put it in beforehand - not mentioning any names . . .

Anyone had this happen to them? And what would cause it to happen? The valves themselves look fine - the shafts arent bent, just the little retaining caps on the tops have broken and allowed the rockers to come off.



yep this happened to mine last week, now have a rocker stopper on the way from the states. Sr20's are bad for throwing the rocker at high revs. 60% of the time it bends the valve, i was luck just got a new shim and put it back together and all is well.