Headlights aiming


New Member

I have a RHD GTI-R (like 99% people on this forum) but where I live we drive LHD cars on the right side of the street. So people coming toward me get my beam in their eyes since they light up at angle (top left to bottom right)... is there any way to fix this with the adjusting bolts (ie: bottom left to top right) without buying a set of headlamps from a LHD GTI-R? I know one of the adjusting screws is for up/down but how about the 2nd one? I've tried playing a bit with it but havent came up with anything interesting so far ...




New Member
as far as i'm aware the only thing u can do is either use some tap from a motor shop which will stop the kick up on ur light (which looks shite by the way ) or change the light full stop.

the only difference between the rhd light and the lhd light is the design of the glass which reflects the light in different ways i.e the kick up to one side of the road.


New Member
well if i could get rid of the kick that would definately be awesome ... do you know exactly what I have to modify inside of the lens?


New Member
i doubt it, the shape is different :( the closest thing we have around here is a Infiniti G20 but the headlamps are a little bit different

But I'd love to get my hands on a set of LHD Pulsar/Sunny headlights if anyone can help me find any! I think the Primera has the same headlights too ... or maybe not?
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So does anyone know of any cars the have LHD lights that will fit in a GTi-R


New Member
Headlamps from a LHD Sunny/Pulsar N14

France, Germany, or other such places. I've found them new for about 100euro a piece but thats much more than what I would want to pay

Best thing would be customizing the reflection pattern if someone could point out how to do it


Active Member
vizi0n said:
well if i could get rid of the kick that would definately be awesome ... do you know exactly what I have to modify inside of the lens?
It would be the outside of the lense, you'd have to apply the tape too.
If you look at each lense from the front of the car, there should be a rough triangle (more like trapezoid) shape etched into the lense, on the right hand side of them I think. It'll either be the right or left hand side of each end and you should be able to identify what I'm talking about very easily.
Just cover that part only with black tape. This will stop the light being directed to the left hand side of the road and direct the light straight ahead. You still may have to get the angles of the lenses adjusted slightly to get this perfect !


New Member
I have an RHD and I just changed them for LHD gti lights,Cost aroung 180 euro.
Its the only decent way to do it.


New Member
chrism said:
I have an RHD and I just changed them for LHD gti lights,Cost aroung 180 euro.
Its the only decent way to do it.
Thats what i wanted to do. But just wondering, is the lense made of plastic or glass like our GTI-R?


this might sound silly but have you tryed BEAM BENDERS peeps use them when they are going aboard on holiday and they go on the outside off the headlight so it directs the beam in a different direction to when its in the UK :-D :-D


New Member
yeah ive seen such things, they look horrible and are more of a temporary solution rather than permanent


how do you aim them?

the shop that did my road safety aimed them all wacko, I just want them back the way they are supposed to be.


Active Member
CanadianR said:
how do you aim them?

the shop that did my road safety aimed them all wacko, I just want them back the way they are supposed to be.
THere's 2 adjustment knobs, for want of a better word, on the back of each unit. They have a hex head (8mm) and can also be adjusted with a Philips screwdriver. The top adjuster will adjust vertical aim and the bottom/side adjuster will adjust horizontal aim.

You'll only need to move them very little, to make quite a marked difference. Might be worth marking where they are set now too, just in case you balls it up. ;-)