heater cable



hi there can you help me i had my car broken into a while back and my sterio nicked:censored:. they ripped my center console out to get to my head unit. the heater contorl was damaged and i replaced it but the cable off the back (controls hot/cold) i could not find where it go's and i also need to find that cable :frusty:.......................can you help me ??............if you have a spare cable please pm me............ thanks!!:drama2:


Active Member
There is no cable, the hot/cold is controlled by a motor,so the slider is a sort of potentiometer. there is a control unit under the steering column for it too


did yous all know theres 2 types of control unit!!!
one is cable operated and the other type is electronic.

are you sure you have the cable type shinny? quite rare, ive only ever come across one and ive ripped a few of these cars apart now lol


thanks guys for all your help looks as if i got the wrong control then. there is a block at the back that isn't connected so mine must be electronic controled.didn't no there were two types. don't surpose you no any one that wants to sell me one or can you point me in the right direction?


Active Member
I was gonna post up some pics of the 2 different types, as thanks to Bob i've got 1 set of each at the mo. My damaged unit was a cable one, and the one I bought to replace was an electronic one. Are you after an electronic replacement?? If so, I'll swap my electronic one for your cable one? :D


deal pm your address to me and ill swap you for your electronic unit warringtonjack or meet i'm east midlands derby


Active Member
I have a cable type (to control the heat) and the cable goes through the bulk head and to a control valve in the heater matrix water intake line....... from memory !

Isn't the fully electronic one for a climate control system, as opposed to the 'normal' air conditioning system ?!


Active Member
youngsyp said:
I have a cable type (to control the heat) and the cable goes through the bulk head and to a control valve in the heater matrix water intake line....... from memory !
Cheers for that, that'll save me asking when I get the replacment unit. :thumbsup:

Shinny, swap it is then. PM on its way. :D


South West Regional Rep

I have a problem with my controls. When the blower is on 1 or 2 no air comes out but will on 3 or auto. Is the problem the module with the dials on?


the resistor card is fcuked in the heater blower unit!
five minute job to replace;-)

if you need one pm me, as i still have 1 left


South West Regional Rep
pulsarboby said:
the resistor card is fcuked in the heater blower unit!
five minute job to replace;-)

if you need one pm me, as i still have 1 left
I was building up a list of parts I wanted from you LOL

I'll PM you in a minute with what I want :thumbsup:

oh and thanks for the help (god knows I need it)
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Active Member
pulsarboby said:
the resistor card is fcuked in the heater blower unit!
five minute job to replace;-)

if you need one pm me, as i still have 1 left
Dammit, I've needed one of those for a while now but, didn't want to pay Ni$$an prices !!

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
youngsyp said:
I have a cable type (to control the heat) and the cable goes through the bulk head and to a control valve in the heater matrix water intake line....... from memory !

the control flap must be cabin side of the bulkhead as only the flow and return pipes go in to the engine bay through the bulk head.


youngsyp....how much are they from nissan, out of curiosity?
if you like il take the one off my circuit car, which i can replace at a later date, if it helps you out!
pm me if you want it


South West Regional Rep
youngsyp said:
Dammit, I've needed one of those for a while now but, didn't want to pay Ni$$an prices !!

I'd also be interested in what Nissan charge, might need to sit down first