

crash bandit

My heater wont turn to cold. I've replaced the heater control unit and I,ve also removed the motor and put 12 volts across it and that worked. Are there any fuses or relays that might be down. It's not a problem at the mo but summer is just round the corner.


Active Member
The control to change from hot to cold is mechanical. It's just a valve that stops hot water from the coolant system circulating through the heater matrix (radiator). You should be able to feel some resistance when you try to move the level from hot to cold and vice versa. If you don't, it's probably not connected to the valve. Not entirely sure where this valve is but, I'd start the search under the dash on the passenger side !


crash bandit said:
summer is just round the corner.
I dont think your allowed to say that in January :lol: :lol: :lol: I know Tamworth is far removed from the rest of society but i didnt realise you had your own climate aswell :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Problem does sound mechanical rather than elctrical dude. Lots of metal rods move things about behind the dash so i would start by looking around there.

Im off to sunbathe in this unseasonally cold weather now :) :lol:
