Help - CLUTCH stuck down!!!



My clutch keeps getting stuck down on the floor. When it does work the biteing point is right near the floor. I thought, ahh, maybe the slave cylinder....

...However, just checked under the road eating bonnet and found one of my fluid reservoirs empty (can't be good). Its the one at the back of the engine, to the left, clear plastic with yellow push on lid... (Is this clutch fluid???) if so, that could well explain the problem...

Please let me know if that is the clutch fluid before I poor the good old dot 5.1 in there.............. :oops:

that could be all the prob.... then ive just gotta find the leak!!!!!

Thanking u all in advance GTiR Guru's


Active Member
If its to the middle left hand side of the bay as you look under the bonnet, and is the closest resivoir to the windscreen its the clutch fluid resivoir.

If you have a digi cam take a pic and i'll confirm it for you.



yeah its the one on the bulkhead, not the bright yellow lid but the almost clear one in the pic above. Cheers guys. Will check it tonite.....


yeah i guessed that. The slave doesn't seem to be leaking so im gonna b on the hunt for pipe cracks. If I can get the clutch working wiv some fluid in it then I can get it to my mates and put it on the pit..... bit easier to spot leaks that way!

Maybe my R has decided it just likes drinking it the same way it drinks fuel!!!!!


New Member
have a look at the soft rubber hose that runs from the slave across the top of the gear box. thats prone to cracking.


Cheers guys, will do, oh and Kyepan... I now have a big copy of that caution notice laminated on the dash in front of the passenger seat...... HA HA...... (even had one girl obey.......) Thanx mate.... people on the M40 had a pleasent suprise with a topless bird beside me....... :)


New Member
LOL. quality, i have a descrete one on the mirror on the passenger side sun visor..

If you do manage to get her topless.. post a pic in the gtir owners birds section.