Help!!!! fitting hks evc4 controller!!!


Middle one goes to actuator, LHS 6mm one goes to the boost feed (on the side of the plenum where the original boost pickup is) RHS 4mm port goes to vacum feed (where you'd install a boost gauge for example)


Active Member
one goes to pressure feed from before intercooler (as per instructions) but there is no feed on std pulsar from here, so I connected to the original pressure feed line coming from plenum (goes through intercooler bracket to solenoid IIRC)

other pipe goes to a line inbetween engine and throttle bodies (pressure and vacume), same signal as would go to aftermarket boost gauge (think one of the carbon canister lines is good for this if you ditch it)


Active Member
cheers guys, so let me just clarify for my small mind.

The middle one goes to the wastegate actuator (so this is the only pipe that goes to this)

The left one goes to the nipple on the side of the intake manifold (this is therefore the only direct pipe that goes from the manifold to the hks actuator)

The right one goes to a t piece that i`ll put in the line that comes from the black box on the front nearside wing (think this is the boost pickup)

am i right or have i got it around my knickers?

also the 6mm filter is quite dirty, should i change this or does it really matter?

cheers ollie


New Member
You got it Ollie.
Make sure you have a good tight fit (no leaks) and try to keep the pipe run as short as possible.
It may function ok but I'd replace the filter.


Active Member
glad i`ve got that then!

would you reccomend changing the filter before fitting? i.e. what impact would it have not changing it (don`t mind if it underboosts but don`t want it to overboost or mess up the hks actuator)


If you can get them easily then you may as well change them. Personally I wouldn't even bother having any filters, apexi and greddy don't use any, car manufacturers don't use any on their std solenoid setups so I wouldn't be too worried about it.


Active Member
shall i just keep the filter in then or just cut it out? (thinking that the soloniod may require the air to be filtered, can`t imagine why!!)


olliecast said:
shall i just keep the filter in then or just cut it out? (thinking that the soloniod may require the air to be filtered, can`t imagine why!!)

If it was me I'd leave them out, but it's up to you. The amount of dirt that'd get in there is minimal, as I say most others don't run filters. If you're concerned run a bit of cab cleaner through it once a year to clean i out.


Active Member
think i`ll just leave it out to be honest. i`ll fit the controller and see how it goes.
Like you lot say though, can`t imagine why you`ll need an internal filter


New Member
Sounds like a plan.....;-)
Having looked at your manual, they do stress a filter but maybe it's not needed.
I would source a filter and fit it at some point... then you can see how clean your vacuum source is... If it's clean then good. If it's poor, keep replacing the filter when need be.


Active Member
rite, two new filters have arrived and ready for fitting on saturday!
is the best place to mount the solonoid in the place of the standard solonoid?