HELP!!! locked out of the R!

Gaz gtiR

New Member
the battery is dead on my car :doh: & the alarm fob wont work to open it & the locks in the doors & boot dont work by the key. any ideas how to get i it?? :roll:

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Why won't the locks work with the key?

Have you tried to open the boot, climb though and pop the bonnet?

Gaz gtiR

New Member
not sur why the dont work?? i think theyve been imobilised when the alarm was fitted by a previous owner? boot dousnt unlock either of the key?? can i undo the rear side window popper from the outside?


New Member
Ive got a back window if you want it free but before you get the hammer ill look later to find wot side it is


Staff member
Fair enough.

I think a slim jim works though; they're not new enough to have the fancy "countermeasures" in the door, but the type of lock means you can't use good old plastic strapping to grab it.

Fast Guy

Staff member
I thought that only worked on the pneumatic central locking systems; Ford quite famously?
I thought it was Volkswagons?

Fords (cossies) you just kicked the bumper as allegedly the inertia switch was there somewhere.


Staff member
I've seen the old half tennis ball trick done on a Ford Falcon, but it's quite likely that's not the same system they used in European cars. I'll add VWs to the list.