Help needed!! clifford concept 50 has stoped working

dev singh

hi alarm on R has stopped working i've changed the valet switch but no luck ..i was wondering if some body have one for sale with the valet code would save some time and money getting new one fitted


Staff member
Has the battery gone flat in it? - Does the ignition etc work otherwise?

Unfortunately mine is an Avital Maxx3 (or something like that) so I'm no help.

dev singh

is it concept 50 and do you know the valet code for it ? then i think it will work its just a matter of swaping it over

dev singh

Does the alarm work?if it works then the factory settings for the valet code is 2x springy and latched on the valet switch ..i dont need any wiring just need the unit it will plug straight in

Dangerous Dave

Active Member
Yeah it works mate or did till I stripped the car for parts send me a PM with your number and I will give you a call tomorrow about it.


Staff member
It doesn't have a valet mode; or at least not one I've ever found. - There's a button that's not wired to anything, but for the most part it just starts working as long as the car battery has got charge.

dev singh

my idea was to get a same one just swap the unit it over instead of rewiring new alarm.. theres lot connected to this alarm all this sense n tell and god know what else.... dont realy wana get new one fitted just in case they screw something else up..electrical wise my car is sound