HELP, stray pipe?????



I've just opened my bonnet and noticed something that seems very strange. On the right hand side of the engine there is a thin hose/pipe that is t'd into another. It's quite long and coiled next to my air box, the problem is that there is not a clean cut on it, and it has aa old screw wound into it.

What the hell is it, and why has it got a screw in the end?

I would post a pic, but I don't know how.

Please help, it looks worrying

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
canyou check that its not the gear box vent pipe this has a hooked end but should be open ended thats in that area if not this might help i bought what i was told was a standerd r was very fast had problems with what i would call fuel starvation at high speed took it to hiteq in wigan it had been runing on unlimited boost it had apipe blanked of with abolt and washer sounds like the same thing in the same area simler there was all so apipe blanked of under the plenum the boost levels must have been control in another way wich had been removed to make it look standard on mine theres apipe missing from under the intercooler that theres pipes were atatched to hope this helps o and nissan serviced it a gold service and did not notice this


Active Member
does your boost gauge work? as the is map sensor for guage on the passenger side wing. also it may be that the previous owner had aftermarket guage fitted? or possibly the pipe may be for the charcoal canister.



When I had my bleed valve fitted by SE Nissan there is a small rubber pipe that comes off of the hard plastic inlet pipe that is no longer used, they just put a screw in it to stop it sucking in air.

Hope this helps


New Member
im pretty sure thats the pipe that runs to the boost pressure sensor under the wing, and i assume that the pipe that has been t-d into is going forwards towards the front of the car, i imagine it was for a boost guage/controller of some sort if its blocked off and the car runs fine then its not a problem, but may be wise to remove it and join it up with a straight instead of the t-piece


GTIR-LOZ said:
im pretty sure thats the pipe that runs to the boost pressure sensor under the wing, and i assume that the pipe that has been t-d into is going forwards towards the front of the car, i imagine it was for a boost guage/controller of some sort if its blocked off and the car runs fine then its not a problem, but may be wise to remove it and join it up with a straight instead of the t-piece
I think your right.

Just one more question, wheres best to get a sraight from?

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
ive got the same with acoupling in it have teed it to it to run an extas boost gauge the two pipes on the left of the three pipes on mine were both blanked of so thay could not be joined together . the front one was alot shorter than yours this was how it was able to run unlimited boost i was told by hiteq must of had an aftermarket boost controler in japan witch disapeared when it was imported or sold to me as a standard car