Hi Folks



Hi All

Don't know if this is the right section, if not please move :doh:

I currently have a honda crx del sol, I'm going to be selling it soon and I've narrowed the cars I want down to 2, its between a Toyota GT4 or yours truelly a Nissan Pulsar GTI-R.

I need some advice, I've been told that the Pulsar engines are a bit soft and I'd prefer something a bit more reliable, I only drive around about 80 - 100 miles per week

Be honest what do you guys think would be best?

Appreciate your advice :lol:
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New Member
you are joking, the pulsar engine is a very realiable one, even when modified to at least 350bhp these cars can be used everyday, now before everyone starts with the im running 400 and mines fine. i say 350 because thats where im at and cant speak for others. but like i say im running 350 and its an everyday car to me. The 2 cars you have chose are both good cars but its got to be the gtir all the way


Active Member
well get some piccys up of youself and we will tell you if you worthy of owning such a magnificent car like the pulsar:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


New Member
well get some piccys up of youself and we will tell you if you worthy of owning such a magnificent car like the pulsar:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

:lol: :lol: you perv

i would also say the engines are the best bit about them, would have to look at the gearboxs tho.

best thing to do is read the newbie FAQ

also remember these cars are gotting on a bit now.


New Member
im running 300bhp and the engine is great, only thing i popped was my 5th gear, but i was expecting that. as an every day runner, i dont think id have any problems with mine. i cant comment on the gt4 but you cant beat the GTIR, i was considering selling mine until i drove threw the city centre the other night an people were goin nuts for the R


Have owned both, only one winner and its got to be the Pulsar. GT4 is like a boat in comparrison, feels alot older to drive, is slower and just not as nice as the GTi-R.


Fire & skill said:
was it an st185 or an st205 GT4?

who told you the engines were soft? :lol:
I'm not sure, I was up at CRD in Bathgate looking at a silver GT4 and a Pulsar, I asked the guy what was the best option and he told me the Pulsars have softer engines especially if you have a heavy foot! :?

Fire & skill

Vintage member
Lindsay said:
I'm not sure, I was up at CRD in Bathgate looking at a silver GT4 and a Pulsar, I asked the guy what was the best option and he told me the Pulsars have softer engines especially if you have a heavy foot! :?
thats all lies :lol: was it Dee himself that said that? he is not a fan of pulsars - he keeps telling me. i take it you meand crd out in east calder? didnt realise he had a pulsar in stock


New Member
it all depends on how you actually drive the car, if you drive it like you stole it then no engine/gearbox will last long!!!

if your looking for a comparision between a pulsar and a st205 gt4 then let me know as ive got the pulsar (obviously) and my mates got the gt4. as for power from each one mines just shy of 360bhp with lots of stock parts and his is just under 400bhp again on stock engine, but with custom inlet manifold and hks cams which he setup himself!

also where bouts in the country are you, might be worth you popping down to the pod this sunday for a look around!?!?


Staff member
Lindsay said:
I'm not sure, I was up at CRD in Bathgate looking at a silver GT4 and a Pulsar, I asked the guy what was the best option and he told me the Pulsars have softer engines especially if you have a heavy foot! :?
The Pulsar SR20DET engine is streets ahead of the Toyota unit, prolly one of the most reliable Jap unit of it's time and will take loads more punishment than most.

Did the guy you were talking look a bit strange............ head the shape of an ar$e ??? cos I think he must have been standing on his hands and attempting to talk out of his bottom :der:
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Erm, I'm not sure who I was talking to, to be honest. The guy said it was his friends old Pulsar, I think he traded it in for something else.

The guy did say that it shouldn't give me any trouble if I drive it sensibly.

I don't plan on buying one from a garage anyway I was just having a wee look, there don't seem to be many for sale up here :sad:

I'm in Falkirk, I've seen a few pulsars at Knockhill & Crail ;-)


Not yet but hopefully I'll sell my car quickly and find one :lol: