Hi-Spec brakes??

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Just been doing asearch on Google and happened across this page. I know they are quite a popular mod on GTI-R's, so maybe you guys havent had the same problems me and others have had??

*weblink removed*


*edited to say, if you wish to e-mail your horror stories then please feel free and i'll add them to the page.


Evos are well known for warping front discs anyway...You've gotta be pretty sad to set up a website about it tho, just put it down to a bad experience and dont buy them again :roll:


Seeing as you say you have browsed google to find this page and part of the webpage contains your forum name and the fact you ask to email comments would suggest you run the website :roll:
If you had bothered to read the forum rules before posting you would have realised we have a strict stance on comments towars tuners and suppliers.
The fact you have breached this rule and also seem to have lied about "finding" the website i am giving you your first strike on behalf of the moderators.
Anymore advertising or speaking of your website or negative comments will result in a ban.

If you've come here to cause trouble then i suggest you go elsewhere


Well we don't want the forum shut down due to slanderous comments :evil:
Especially not even gtir owners :roll:


Sorry to upset you guys. I wrongly presumed you would wish your members to be fully aware of such a company, more so as its a UK company and one that you would think could be trusted. I have posted the same link on several other boards and not had a single come back, even from Scoobynet, and if any of the members on this board frequent Scoobynet, you'll know how strict they are when it comes to slanderous comments.

I wasted well over £400 on a set of Brake discs, it would appear that several other purchasers of *their* products have had similar experiences, and i am trying to forewarn other potential purchasers of the problems that i and others have had with them, not only the product but also the service too! I have kept records of all the comments i have listed on my site, so if there is any come back i have a direct point of reference.

I did a search on Google, and it gave me this thread as one of the results, i dont know what you mean by saying i lied?!

I may not be a GTI-R owner :roll: , but i do care about other Japanese Car enthusiasts been ripped off, sorry for wasting your (and mine) time, its obvious that with that last comment Edd that advice from non GTI-R owners is not worth listening to!


RichW said:
I may not be a GTI-R owner :roll: , but i do care about other Japanese Car enthusiasts been ripped off, sorry for wasting your (and mine) time, its obvious that with that last comment Edd that advice from non GTI-R owners is not worth listening to!
That is not what i meant or said, regardless of what you have said on other forums we have rules, and if you want to post on this board, you abide by our rules, quite simple, i asked you to refrain from commenting on this yet you have continued to do so.

Unfortunately, as this has been discussed FREQUENTLY on this forum, we are all for naming and shaming tuners/suppliers who give bad service however the Moderators and Administrators are not prepared to foot the legal bill incase we are taken to court for slander - and regardless of the website being owned by yourself we are publishing the material.

If you would care to quickly read http://forum.gtiroc.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=16052
then you will see that as a club we have tried to have a section, which this original post would have been perfectly suitable for, however as you can read, the ramifications of certain indiduals meant that this was not possible.

I know you must obviously feel ripped off from your dealings, however i have had a similar problem with faulty products from a company costing me £1000's and my car off the road many weeks. I emailed every forum member and kept the dealings and reasons private.

I hope you understand this is nothing personal, but this is how we want our forum run, sorry if i came across as if i didn't give a sh*t but i only have the club and members best interest at heart in protecting our forum.


No hard feeling's Edd, i know it must be a difficult postion to be found in.

I have people e-mailing me telling me how crap they are, and i do a search and find others in a similar position, and i know that there will be more.Its certainly annoying for me!

The page has been up on my site (simply an Evo owners experince/how to kind of site) for awhile now. However, last week i spoke to a guy who i am travelling to the Nurburgring with this coming Wednesday, and he commented on how he was going to call in at Hi-Specs shop on the Tuesday for new discs.(!!) Well of course i saw red and felt that even though my site receives alot of hits from Evo owners, there is still a very large base of other car owners who dont know the kind of people that these guys are, hence the reason for me trying to spread the word about my experiences. (you'll also note that the quotes on my site are from other purchasers and NONE are from hear-say).

Anyway, if its too much for you guys thats understandable. For anyone that is interested, please feel free to e-mail me, or visit http://www.lancerregister.com/index.php?styleid=4 and do a search for my user name (i post quite abit there :oops: )




jasegould2002 said:
Evos are well known for warping front discs anyway...You've gotta be pretty sad to set up a website about it tho, just put it down to a bad experience and dont buy them again :roll:
Well Jase, i have, and have just invested £1700 in a set of AP six pots (the rears will be coming next month).

I might be pretty sad in your eyes creating a page to warn others of my experience, but i have the satisfaction that i hopefully will have prevented fellow enthusiasts from also been ripped off. Something you obviously don't give two high-hoots about!


Also could you pm me links to any forums you've come across that will share this information ?



New Member
Whats sad about warning other people about dodgy products and wanker's, who take your money and then treat you like shit! :?
I really cant understand people who get ripped off for hundreds or thousands of pounds and just let it go, and write it off to "experience"

To be fair, ive got a set of hispecs, and have, so far, been perfectly happy with them, and when dealing with them on the phone, they seemed fine, and sent my products out quickly and on time(it was only a set of pads though!)

Cheers, dave :D


Having seen these complaints on many forums I am a member of, my understanding is the best way to deal with Hi-Spec is through another company.

If you deal with them direct you can recieve terrible customer service, but deal through another company and there are no problems.


I understand your gripe but I stand by what I say, if you have a problem with something or someone then sort it out with them. Quite a few people on here use Hi-Spec brakes and as far as Im aware dont have a problem...wheras on the lancerregister there are always posts about warped discs, and not just the hispec ones. It seems to me that rather than trying to warn other people of your misfortune you are venting your anger by trying to cause them shit.


i'm going to lock this but leave it so people can find out if they want to :roll: :wink:
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