hks cam pulleys


Active Member
carlengerer said:
Are they actually much lighter than the stock pulleys?
I doubt any of the adjustable cam sprockets are much if any lighter than the stock ones ?! As, they're 2 piece and have the adjuster bolts too where as, the stock parts are 1 piece with no extra bolts !

Plus, they're not very large anyway so, you'll probably not notice if they're lighter or not.


youngsyp said:
I doubt any of the adjustable cam sprockets are much if any lighter than the stock ones ?! As, they're 2 piece and have the adjuster bolts too where as, the stock parts are 1 piece with no extra bolts !

Plus, they're not very large anyway so, you'll probably not notice if they're lighter or not.
That's what i was thinking although more of the mass is centered reducing overal inertia but we are not talking about freeing up 5 horses because of that :lol:

They are made for one purpose and one purpose only ;-)

:cell: :snow:


Active Member
jpward said:
That's what i was thinking although more of the mass is centered reducing overal inertia but we are not talking about freeing up 5 horses because of that :lol:

They are made for one purpose and one purpose only ;-)

:cell: :snow:
If you look at the design of the stock parts, it's likely that the OE items will provide less inertia to overcome as, they are the same thickness (which is low anyway) from the toothed edge, to the centre flange. Where as, the 'performance' parts, have most of their mass, 0.5" or so from the centre flange ?!


Who the f*ck gives a 5hit about how bloody heavy they are :doh: :roll: , Why do you lot have pull everything apart :der: .

They do one job and one job only and weigh what they weigh :roll: :der: .



Active Member
Odin said:
Who the f*ck gives a 5hit about how bloody heavy they are :doh: :roll: , Why do you lot have pull everything apart :der: .

They do one job and one job only and weigh what they weigh :roll: :der: .

Blimey, your dummy just bounced off my window down here. Do you want me to post it back to you ? :lol:

Cheer up Rob, it was just a discussion. You know, what a public forum was conceived for ?! ;-)
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youngsyp said:
Cheer up Rob, it was just a discussion. You know, what a public forum was conceived for ?! ;-)

I just get really pi55ed off when people get so bl00dy anal over such stupid things :doh: :der: :der: :der: .

It's a camshaft sprocket made of alloy with a steel toothed sprocket attached, Just how heavy can it be and does it make a blind bit of difference on our poxy road cars anyway :der: .

Sometimes I think you lot think you're bl00dy Nigel Mansel or something, Worrying about every fraction of a second a lap or something :roll: , Get a grip :roll: :lol: .



Active Member
Odin said:
I just get really pi55ed off when people get so bl00dy anal over such stupid things :doh: :der: :der: :der: .

It's a camshaft sprocket made of alloy with a steel toothed sprocket attached, Just how heavy can it be and does it make a blind bit of difference on our poxy road cars anyway :der: .

Sometimes I think you lot think you're bl00dy Nigel Mansel or something, Worrying about every fraction of a second a lap or something :roll: , Get a grip :roll: :lol: .

Or maybe people just want to know as much about a part they're going to buy as possible ?! ;-)

It's a public forum so, if members want to be 'anal' and go into detail about something, they should be allowed too, without someone else throwing their toys out of their pram. If you don't want to know, don't read the discussion.

As for me getting a grip.... hmmm, I'm sorry if my interest in the finer points annoys you.... actually, no I'm not. I think you should take your own advice there and not let everything wind you up so much. ;-)

Plus, who's worried about anything ?! Again, we were just discussing the finer details, nothing else. None of us said "you should buy this one as, it's lighter than that one" ?! In fact, JP even commented that the 'performance' item "was created for one reason, and one reason only". That being that it's adjustable !

And finally, I don't think anyone would aspire to be Nigel Mansell. From what I've seen of him, he's not a very nice individual !

Just my 2 peneth !


youngsyp said:
I don't think anyone would aspire to be Nigel Mansell. From what I've seen of him, he's not a very nice individual !

If that's the case he has my vote 8) :thumbsup: , He would soon kick you wannabe losers into touch then 8) :lol: .

It's OK I haven't taken my happy pills yet ;-) .



youngsyp said:
Again, we were just discussing the finer details,

The finer details of what exactly ? :? , Whether one set of pulleys is a gram less than another :doh: :der: .

Maybe blue is lighter than red ? Who knows :doh: .



Active Member
Odin said:
If that's the case he has my vote 8) :thumbsup: , He would soon kick you wannabe losers into touch then 8) :lol: .

If we're "wannabe losers", does that make you a true loser then ? :lol:

Please don't misunderstand me Rob, you know I don't have a beef with you or anyone one here (well, maybe someone !) but, I like to discuss the finer details and, I hope I might learn something along the way !

As for Mansell, I never forget a TV program I watched with a 'celebrity' race. Tiff Needell over took him and won the race. At the end of the race, in the paddocks, Mansell stormed up to Needell and got very aggressive with him, screaming at him for his manoveur (it was a clean overtake) and trying to intimidate him or something.
If it were me, I would have head butted the ignorant midget but, Needell just ignored him and walked away, getting Mansell's back up even more !

It was the most un-sportsman like conduct I had ever seen and shows just what a bad loser Mansell is !


youngsyp said:
It was the most un-sportsman like conduct I had ever seen and shows just what a bad loser Mansell is !

Well you don't become F1 and champ-car champion back to back by being Mr nice guy do you :lol: :lol: :lol: , I like him and he can be as angry rude and pig headed as he likes, He still gets my vote ;-) .

As for the other, I'm not falling out with anybody. Just amazes me how so many threads go down the route of going into the finer detail about everything for absolutely no real reason or benefit.



New Member
Never thought a question would bring back so much of a reply, i thought one of the reasons for adjustable cam pulleys was the weight.


Active Member
Odin said:
Just amazes me how so many threads go down the route of going into the finer detail about everything for absolutely no real reason or benefit.

To you maybe but, you didn't start the thread ! ;-)

With that in mind, are you telling me that when you put your car together, you didn't worry about the finer points ? Like compression ratios, cam timing, exhaust coatings......

It's these things that can make a big difference between an average car, and a great car. ;-)