HKS EVC 5 or Apexi AVC-R???


Im on the lookout for a boost controller and its come down to either an HKS EVC 5 or an Apexi AVC-R.
Before i get loads of abuse for a"not that question again"
ive done the search and read all about the AVC-R's in the "which boost controller?" topic but no mention of the hks unit.
Any views and experiece of these units would be much appreciated,ie holding boost etc.



It may sound crap but i like the look of both the hks and apexi units,
they both sound as tho they have good specs,just need to decide which one. :?
I already have the apexi s-afc fitted.
I ve had a lot of thinkin about where to mount either so they dont just look bodged in.
I have an avc-r and it has loads of features, dunno if you get them with all boost controllers though. I think a few people have mentioned, and I would tend to agree that they don't always hold perfect boost... :D



Hi ya guys,

The EVC has less options making it more user friendly.

The Apexi has more features so not so user friendly but
is more useful at a later stage :wink:

I have the EVC 5 and it seems to be ok. 8)


:lol: Ive recently had a HKS EVC 5 fitted and the thing is brilliant my mate olly fitted it for me and he put the screen in the front air vent and moulded it in a and put the manin controller where the ashtray used to be and power comes direct from ashtray works like a treat personally i prefer the HKS Stuff and simple to use :wink:

Hks evc 5 is a very poor unit, i had it installed in my evo and it allowed too much boost peak,, running 1.6 bar would sometimes peak 1.79 !!!!

using sdc III idc blitz in pulsar and it is a much better built unit and has nearly zero boost spike peaking


Cheers guys,
Im edging towards the HKS EVC 5 cos ive heard too many people saying the Apexi's dont hold the boost well.


Active Member
houghy_1 said:
Cheers guys,
Im edging towards the HKS EVC 5 cos ive heard too many people saying the Apexi's dont hold the boost well.
That's only because it hasn't been set up properly :wink: It seems there is a knack to do this and it is time and fuel consuming !

I have an AVC-R and I know it's not set up properly but, I'm gonna persist and get it right, as I don't like being beaten :twisted: :lol: