Hks replacement foam


New Member
Are the newer versions of the hks foam any improvement on the much slagged off old type? Is Apexi or K+N the way to go? Have liked the pipercross foam type on previous non turbo cars ive owned but i take it they are not good for the gtir?


Staff member
I think the pipercross is ok - it's the thin foam of the HKS that causes the problem.

On the whole cotton filters (like the A'Pexi and K&N) give better filtration than foam (but foam is quite good for airflow). The metal mesh ones are a compromise on both. - There was a test done that people like to spruik, but I dispute the statistics (and significance) that they use... but if you don't read it too deeply you'll see that I've just parroted what it says about them all.


New Member
Just looking at the hks foam and there isnt a lot to them is there! At least on the foam of the pipercross you can see the make up of the layers. You would think they have good dirt retention due to their rally background ie dust and grit? Or is it the rally teams like the airflow and arent bothered about whether its good at retaining dirt because they renew and rebuild all the time?


Staff member
Don't most of the rally teams use the foam as a pre-filter? - You put it over the normal one for stages where there's going to be a lot of dust and sand so that the normal one doesn't become blind and stop flowing?


New Member
Yes makes sense. Still none the wiser as to which filter to use? The newer replacement hks foam is 3 layer and wondered if it was any improvement? Suppose im just looking at that as the cheaper option. Will keep looking cheers :)


Staff member
Despite what people say, if you already own one and keep on top of it (so that the filter doesn't fall apart and get sucked through the engine), it's probably as good as any. - I'm well aware that money is quite often a consideration, and why replace something that you don't need to?