HKS SSQV fake or not?


Active Member
Hi guys,

been rooting about in the engine bay and wasnt happy with the sounds or look of this HKS dump valve, seems to be cherping away and tttttt ttttt ttttting all the time literaly just pulling off and a release of the foot pedal and its going mad.

Here are some pictures

All just seems a little tacky I have compared it to my other HKS ssqv thats the silver version and im just not too sold on it. Also I have read on a few posts that they dont sell the universal adapter for it or something simular which this one seems to have? or am I just been to picky


Staff member
There was an article on this in January's Japanese Performance magazine - It looks a lot like the others people are selling as genuine HKS, and with a bit of age it's harder to tell things like if the lettering was correct.

Even HKS say it's pretty hard to tell a good looking fake from the genuine article. If you're not happy with the performance, offload it on eBay?

The SSQV is not adjustable in the conventional sense. You can fit different outlets so that it makes different noises, but the adjuster screw on the unit is to adjust the vacuum resistance (so that it doesn't open at idle). - HKS specifically tell you not to fiddle with it unless you've got idle stability issues, and even then it's only something like 1/2 a turn at a time until the issue is resolved... of course nobody ever reads the manual so most people seem to think it's to adjust the boost pressure the valve opens at. :doh:


HKS also say the screw on the back does nothing! That why they removed it in later models (got sick of people asking about it).
BUT I read If you want chatter on dump, you turn screw one way, if not, the other way... Myths and Mysteries #123893
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Back here in Malaysia the general impression is that the HKS SSQV witht he adjustable knob at the back are the generic/ imitation models.
I bought mine without the adjustable knob.


Active Member
I bought my hks sqv from Hiteq about 10 years ago before all the ebay fake shite was floating about.The box, bits I got with it and instructions etc are no way fakes.the quality is too good.
Its not black like that though, its shiny.