how do I change my turbo ?



ok, I wanna bolt on a new turbo, so how do I do this with the oil and stuff ? And do I need to clean the new turbo or something ?

Or is it as simple as bolt on new turbo, fill engine up with oil again and done ?


New Member
:D When i have either read or heard of anyone fitting a new turbo it has always been recamended that new oil lines be fitted as a matter of course :!: :!:


New Member
go onto gtiroz and you will find the service manual pages for turbo removal, may even be on here now in the maintenance section.


Shaun said:
:D When i have either read or heard of anyone fitting a new turbo it has always been recamended that new oil lines be fitted as a matter of course :!: :!:
Get ex-gtir's braided water and oil lines, or get your own made up, although you won't get a braided oil feed with the turbo fitting on cos nobody sells it, so you'd have to get that from him. Much easier to do the turbo with the braided lines than the nasty rigid ones.
I got braided water feed and return lines made up and very nice they look :D

Edited because I spelt 'feed' wrong :oops:


Ok, I found the info provided very usefull, just 2 questions (so far) :
-The oil return pipe, when I disconnect it, it doesn't start to pour oil everywere ? I mean, how much oil will come from that opening...
-and, when putting back the turbo, should I just fill it up with oil, so it doesn't make any turns without any oil in it ?


you'll only get a few drips out of the oil return pipe, just put some paper towels under it to catch the drops if you're worried about it. It is good practice to pre-fill the turbo woth oil, what to do is: fit the turbo and all hoses except the oil feed at the block end and the oil return at the block end, put some oil into the oil feed until it starts coming out of the return, then fit those hoses where they belong. The oil feed is a bit awkward to do even with a braided pipe, but must be coming on for impossible if you've got the standard one :!:


would I be able to set the waistgate actuator while the turbo is off the car ? I mean, just pressurize the actuator and see at what level it starts to open up...