How to change the Fuel Filter


This is in accordance to the Manual.
Credit to Fast Guy for writing this in another post.

To replace Fuel Filter...

1)Remove the fuel pump fuse
2)start the engine
3)when it stalls, crank 2 or 3 more times to make sure fuel presure is released.
4)Turn ignition off and replace fuse

Loosen clamps, replace filter.

Be careful not to spill fuel over the engine bay, use a high pressure filter and leak check the lines after replacing.



New Member
I want to change my fuel pump but can't find the How to guide for that... maybe I'm not using the search properly
Can somebody post the link please


sorry to dredge up an old thread, but rather than psoting a new topic, i'd use one that is already in place.

When donig this, does anyone know roughly how long until the car should stall? I pulled the 10A fuse that should be for the fuel pump and it seems to run without an issue for over 10 mins. I was expecting it to die after about 2.... Can anyone help?


i've sorted it now- you're right, but for the wrong reason.

Basically i was pulling the 3rd one up on the right. According to that diagram, it's correct. however, the fuel pump fuse for my car was the second one up, where i says 'Seat heater'. I was really stumped as i was gonig through the service manual and scouring the forums but no joy, until i found one person who said it could be the one below the fuse diagram. Sure enough, stalled instantly.



New Member
You could've also whipped the cover off the top of the pump carrier and disconnected the pump wiring, same result especially if you're struggling to find the correct fuse and can't be bothered messing about taking out fuses at random.


Active Member
Another simple way of disablin the fuel pump is to remove the green fuel pump relay that resides in the black plastic box, by the O/S/F wing, in the engine bay !
