how to remove my gearbox ?


New Member
Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to remove and replace my gearbox, now ive got one i'm gonna get dirty lol i'd like to replace some of the bits inside before i do it but dont wanna spend too much on it so if there is any bits i can get from anywhere cheaply that i could get please tell me. any help would be usefull :?:


New Member
hey i had someone e mail me from maistone to say he would do my box but like an idiot i erased it can u pm me please for a chat ? :oops:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
you could try the old tried and tested :wink:

stand in front of the car positioned centrally and with legs spread, place both hands on your head as if to tear the very hair from its roots (if you have any, if not grab your ears :wink: ) and scream UGGA BUGGA!!! at the top of your for me :mrgreen:

was this Mike exgtir you spoke too?
