How to set your TPS


New Member
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Ok firstly, this is your Throttle Position Sensor (TPS from here on in..)

What the numbers mean;

1. This wire is the power supply for the TPS, should read about 5.12V
2. This is the return wire that runs to the ECU and tells it how far down your foot is, ie, the position of the throttle..
3. Earth
4 & 5. These hold the TPS down, need to be undone only about 1 turn when adjusting

Set your voltmeter to "20V"

Ok, grab 2 pins/needles, stick one through wire 2. This will be the center wire on the plug. These pins are your way of getting a reading from the wire within, without having to cut them open

With the second, you can either stick it through wire number 3, or, just put the probe of the voltmeter on the chassis. Personally I think its better to use wire 3.

Right, with your ignition in the "ON" position, or better yet, car idling, put the + voltmeter probe on wire 2. And the negative probe on wire 3 (Or chassis..)

Take note of your reading. Ideally, you want a reading of 0.45V.

If it is higher, or lower than this, undo screws 4 & 5 just enough so the TPS will move, but stay put when you let it go. Turn the TPS either clockwise or counter-clockwise and take another reading. Turning it one way will make the voltage go up, turning it the other way will get the voltage down, I forget which is which
Experiment! You cant do any damage here!

Keep adjusting until you have your reading of 0.45V, then tighten 4 & 5 and take the reading again, to make sure it didnt move while you were tightening it

Another thing to check, try taking a reading with someone in the car with their foot to the floor. Reading should be just over 4V. If not, check for slack in the accelerator cable etc.. This needs to be over 4V for things such as flooding. When trying to start your car at WOT (Wide open throttle), ie, foot to the floor, the ECU needs to be getting a reading of 4V+ in order to go into "Clear flood mode". The ECU will severely lower, or even stop the amount of fuel being pumped into the cylinders, so that while you are turning your engine over, the excess fuel will get outta there and your car will fire up!

Setting your TPS may help with unusual idle/running issues..

Hope this helps!
BIG thanks to NZGTIR on Modifiers :thumbsup:



New Member
does the tps effect anything else other than idle?

could it cause lack of power if not correctly adjusted, or will it just effect idle?



Active Member
Also, remove the connector and check the resistance between the center pin* and the lower pin* in the pic, with the pedal fully pressed the reading should be close to 11Kohm and when the pedal is let off it should read close to 2Kohm.

*this is from memory. I will check tomorrow


Active Member
Just to add to this. I read the section on this in the manual last night and it stated that the range for the setting is between 0.45v and 0.55v. So, it would seem that 0.5v would be the ideal.

It also said that if the reading was too low, you could see problems.

I'll check to see the correct resistance reading too, and post it up.



Active Member
The resistance readings for the TPS should be as follows, when measured as stumo states above:

Throttle completely closed: Approximately 2K ohms
Throttle partially open: 2 - 11K ohms
Throttle completely open: Approximately 11K ohms

You can measure this from the sub harness (near the ignition power transistor) too, using the middle and right hand pins when looking into the sub harness socket.



New Member
where is the correct place for the earth to attach to? the wire on mine is only about 4" long with an eyelet on the end, doesnt look to have been cut before, but the only place it will reach to bolt it to is 1 of the TPS screws.

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
where is the correct place for the earth to attach to? the wire on mine is only about 4" long with an eyelet on the end, doesnt look to have been cut before, but the only place it will reach to bolt it to is 1 of the TPS screws.
This was originally attached to the bracket that held up the top mount on the passenger side the long one when i first go mine .
Correct me if I'm wrong but in the picture it shows the White wire as the return being number 2, isn't that the ground wire?

On my harness Nissan have spliced the short black ground wire with the eyelet into the middle pin White cable, surely the black should be the return ...
earth on mine is the black wire, its about 5" long with an eyelet on the end.

my black ground wire is connected into the White, which makes no sense if the White cable is the return to the ecu as labled in the picture on first page...

It's been like this prob since leavin thd Nissan factory, when I reassemble everything and set the tps will check yo see what's what..

P.s not sure if this picture is to big!! Used the photobucket app on the iPhone, unable to edit size :shock:


Mine TPS read 4.22V WOT max. How much is now the right value it must read??? Some here wrote 4.44 or more...